Born in Rohrau, Austria
I was born on 31st March, 1732. I liked to make some sweet an nice sounds , so, thats how I got used to the music. -
Became Freelance Musician
On 1st January, 1749 I broke a common law, so, thats why I couldn't make more high notes .So, because of this, I had to let go from my job,and so I had spent 10 years as Freelance Musician -
Became Kapellmeister
I became a kapellmeister for Count Karl von Morzin. Mr. Karl had to leave his hobbit because, he ran out of money. -
Became Assisstance Kapellmeister
When I was fired , so, then I was kept as assitance of Kapellmeister in a rich family which was called Eszterh`azy family -
His 8th Opera
I really enjoyed my 8th opera when everyone appalauses! -
Six String Quartets
When I released the peice I felt like this was my best and New style from any other peice. -
My Humor
I wrote this peice and named it ''the Bear'', I liked the peice because that peice was my second last peice in my favorite selections. -
Died in Veinna
I died in the age of 77 -
Everyone missed me and prayed for me.