May 20, 1045
The French Empire Forms
IIe de Frace elected a dynasty in 987. Soon this region gained a measure of uniform political unification and became known as France. Later this was designated as the Holy Roman Empire. -
Jul 27, 1214
Battle of Bouvines
The English-Flemish combined army was defeated by the French army. This enabled the kingdom to gain control over Anjou, Brittany, Maine, Normandy, and Touraine. -
Jul 1, 1297
Louis IX is Canonized
Louis IX is declared a saint by Pope Boniface VIII. Hi is then on known as Saint Louis and is the only French monarch to be declared a saint. -
Feb 12, 1337
Hundred Year War
The Hundred Year War was a series of conflicts between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of England. These fights lasted between 1337 and 1429. Out of this war France gained nationalism, a standing army, and new military tactics and weapons. -
Sep 28, 1429
Joan of Arc leads the French to Victory
In her teens, a French peasant girl name Joan, claimed she received guidance from God. She led the French army to many victories during the Hundred Years War. At the age of 19 she was captured, tried for heresy, and burned at the stake. -
France Gains Many Colonies
French explorers set out overseas. They claimed many newly found pieces of land for France. -
King Louis XVI is Overthrown by the French Revolution
The people of France overthrew King Louis XVI. They were tired of the tyranny of the king who was an absolute monarch. The people of France cut off his head, and he was the only king of France to every be executed. -
Marie Antoinette is Executed
As the queen of France from 1774-1793, Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI. Like her husband, she was executed by the people of France as part of the French Revolution. -
Napoleon's Reign
Napoleon was one of the greatest military commanders of all time. He came to power towards the end of the French Revolution, and under his control, France became controller of most of Europe. He was eventually defeated in the Battle of Waterloo by the British. -
The World Wars and Frace
Both World Wars greatly affected France. France saw many battles, much destruction, and a lot of life lost as the Allies battled Germany.