Period: 457 to May 12, 751
Clovis and The Merovingian Dynasty
-founded by Clovis -
Reign of Clovis
-was ruler of the Franks
- reigned king at age of 15
-Created Merigovian dynasty
-played part in ''Conquest of Gaul''
-convrted from paganism to Christianity -
Period: May 11, 714 to May 12, 1124
The Carolingian Dynasty
-founded by Charles Martel
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolingian_dynasty -
May 11, 732
The Battle of Tours and Charles Martel
-battle against the Franks and Muslims
-Martel has victory but dies
-Caroligians step up -
May 11, 751
Diplomatic Relations with Harun Al Rashid
-an alliance was made
-this was between the Frankish-Caroligian empire and Abased Caligate
-held between 'embassies''
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbasid–Carolingian_alliance -
May 11, 789
Charlemagne and the Renaissance
-was a medieval renaissance
-time of literature, airs, writing, spiritualness,, architecture
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolingian_Renaissance -
May 11, 811
Agreement with Byzantine Empire to recognize Charlemagne