End of World War One
Germany singed an armisitce with the countries still involved in the World War One.
Germany decided to sign an armistice because the politicians knew that their defeat was a fact. -
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was performed in order to negociate the peace. It was led by the ministres of Great Britain and France, and also the president of the United States. -
League of Nations
It was an international organization that was born in order to avoid another World War. -
French legislative election
This was the first legeslative election that occured after the First World War. The Republican Federation won, obtaining the mayority of votes. -
The Treaty of Versailles went into effect
Although the Treatry of Versallies was singed in 1919, it went into effect one year later. -
New president of the Senate
Léon Bourgeois was elected as the new president of the Senate.
He was influenced by the ideas of the Radical Party and he made big changes in the country. -
Gorges Clemenceau
Gorges Clemenceau was the Prime Minister of France since the year 1917 but on Jan 18 he resigned from his charge. -
A new president
Paul Eugène Louis Deschanel was elected the new president of France and he served until September 21 of 1920. -
Responsibility for Syria and Lebanon.
The League of Nations assigned to France the responsibility of Syria and Lebanon. -
The plotical party of Destour was founded, with the porpouse to end with the colonial control that France had established over Tunisia since 1881. -
French Communist Party
French Communist Party, was founded in 1920.
It was a political party in France which defined the principles of communism. Source: ^ http://www.parties-and-elections.de/france.html -
New areas for France and Great Britain
The League of Nations gave to France and Great Britain a command to govern the German colonies of Cameroon and Togoland. -
Great Depression
It was a global economic crisis originated in the United States, by the crash of the stock market.
France was deeply affected by this crisis since the year 1931 until the end of the decade. Source: ^ a b Charles Duhigg, "Depression, You Say? Check Those Safety Nets", New York Times, March 23, 2008 -
Popular Front
The 30's were marked by a variety of social refroms introduced by the goverment of the popular front. It was an asociation between left-wing parties governed by the Léon Blum, -
Second World War.
The Second World War started because of the invation of the Germans to Poland. -
France and Great Britain declared the War
This two countries declared the war to the Nazi Germany because of the treaty they previously singned with Poland. -
French States
Most known as Vichy France.
It was a regime imposed by the Germans after the signature of the armisitce with the Nazi Germany during the Second World.
It was from July of 1940 to August of 1944