

  • Edict of Nantes was issued.

    Says that people in france should be able to have religoius freedom. they should be able to pick their religion.
  • Louis the 13th came into power

    Louis the 13th became king, he was not a powerful king. Reigned from May 14th, 1610 to May 14th, 1643.
  • 30 years of war

    30 years of war
    30 years of war consisted of a series of wars fought by various nations for various reasons, including religious, dynastic, territorial, and commercial rivalries.(1618-1648)
  • France Expands

    France went out to fight for more land grew quite a bit.
  • Cardinal Richelieu bagan to take over the duties for the king.

    Cardinal Richelieu bagan to take over the duties for the king.
    He began to take over the kings duties and responsiblities. Head of the catholic church. He also prevented people from building big castles.
  • Mercantilism became more popular.

    Mercantilism is where the sellers made money off of cash crops. Which then lead to tariffs which put taxes on frances goods.
  • Intendents became more powerful.

    Intendents became more powerful.
    Has the intedents became more powerful, Louis the 14ht also did. They were his represinatives and followers.
  • Louis the 14th became King.

    Louis the 14th became King.
    Louis the 14thHe became king after his fathers death. More powerful then his father.
  • Palace of Versailles

    Former French royal residence and centre of government, now a national landmark. Was bult by Louis the 14th to show his greatness and his power. Almost went bankrupt building it.
  • Court of louis the 14th was built.

    Where all of louis the 14th's closest friends and family stayed, including his favorite/most reliable intendants.