Month 1 baby
Baby is 1/4 inch long.
Heart, digestive system, backbone and spinal cord begin to form.
Placenta begins to develop.The single fertilized egg is now 10,000 times larger than it was at conception. -
Month 2 baby
Your baby has only been developing for five weeks and is now 10,000 times larger than he/she was at fertilization. Your baby now is only about one inch long and weighs no more than one whole peanut. The lining of the placenta begins to develop but does not take over the production of hormones until about week 12. Brain waves are detected. -
Month 3 baby
Your baby can smile, make funny faces. She/he can practice “breathing” the amniotic fluid in/out of the lungs, all 20 teeth are formed and waiting to develop. Your baby is now approximately one ounce in weight, as is the placenta. The pancreas has now started to secrete insulin. This is also the time of peak movement for the baby. The movement can not be felt by the mother but the baby rarely pauses for more than five minutes at a time. -
Month 4 baby
Your baby is now about eight inches tall from head to toe. Baby’s movements can now be felt by his/her mother and he/she can suck his/her thumb. The fingernails are now well-formed and often need to be trimmed at birth because they have grown so long. Baby is emptying his/her bladder every 40-45 minutes. The placenta is fully established by now. Another critical part of the baby’s growth is the umbilical cord. -
Month 5 baby
Baby’s weight will increase to approximately 15 ounces by the end of the fifth month. Hearing is very acute and activity continues to increase as the baby swims around in the amniotic fluid. The baby’s body shifts to a head-down position in preparation for birth in a few months. Eyebrows have developed. Lanugo, begins to appear on the baby’s body. Sometimes this lanugo remains on the body after birth. Also, a creamy white substances clings to the baby’s fine hair and in creases of the skin. -
Month 6 baby
By now your baby has gained another pound. His/her hand coordination has increased and the baby can now move the thumb in opposition to the fingers. Eyes are now open though the baby is still in the darkness in the womb. Little deposits of fat, which retain heat, begin to form. The uterus allows some light to be seen so the baby begins to distinguish between lightness and darkness. -
Month 7 baby
Baby’s skin is wrinkled from so much time floating in water. The skin will stay this way until a few weeks after your child’s birth. Your baby’s eyelashes are developing and fat continues to be deposited beneath the skin. If you have a baby boy, his testes will probably begin descending. Now into his/her seventh month of development, a baby born at this time has a good chance of survival with the help of medical technology. Your baby also is beginning to regulate his/her body temperature. -
Month 8 baby
Baby’s irises can now dilate and contract in response to light; weight is now about four to six pounds. Sleep and waking become more differentiated toward the end of the eighth month. Four distinctive behavioral states become recognizable and these will continue to be characteristic in the baby’s behavior in the weeks beyond birth. These are sleep, awake, actively awake and crying. Your baby's body is now producing a chemical which helps baby breathe after birth. -
Month 9 baby
Baby weighs about five to seven pounds, and puts on about half a pound a week now. All organ systems are completing development for birth. Baby gains his/her “fat cheeks” during the ninth month. Mother’s antibodies pass through the placenta to provide baby with immunity from measles, chicken pox, whooping cough and other illnesses. -
month 1 mom
The earliest symptoms of pregnancy differ from person to person. For most, this is the month you discover you’re pregnant – and that positive pregnancy test (and a missed period) may be the only sign you have. -
Month 2 mom
Baby goes from blastocyst to zygote, as that dividing ball of cells takes on a more human form. You may be experiencing a change, too, as your body and mind adjust to your new role as mom-to-be. -
Month 3 mom
You’re reaching the end of your first trimester, and your body is adjusting to the shifting hormone levels. By the end of the third month, your baby is fully developed. -
Month 4 mom
Hormones settle, morning sickness fades, and you start to feel normal again. You also start showing – and feeling like a true mom-to-be. Welcome to the joys of the second trimester! -
Month 5 mom
You’re glowing – and showing! You’re halfway through your pregnancy, and your baby is thriving. -
Month 6 mom
As the second trimester comes to an end, your baby is making his presence known – and your maternal instincts may be emerging as well. Start the countdown – labor day is just months away. -
Month 7 mom
The fetus at seven months is becoming more baby-like. Time to start thinking about maternity leaves and birth plans, as you enter the third trimester! -
Month 8 mom
Babies grow rapidly when you’re eight months pregnant – and you may be tiring of pregnancy and anxious for baby’s arrival. Enjoy setting up a nursery as the countdown begins! -
Month 9 mom
The countdown to baby’s birthday begins. You may be tired one minute and energetic the next, as you anxiously wait for baby’s arrival.