FR Timeline-The F in France Stands for Freedom

By 4752
  • Bad Luck Gets Really Bad

    Bad Luck Gets Really Bad
    People in France were unsettled because of poor economy and rising living costs. To add on, farmers in France lost a lot of crops due to bad weather. This made food in France become a lot more expensive and many people starved to death/became homeless.
  • Estates-General Meeting

    Estates-General Meeting
    First Estates-General meeting in 175 years with the aim to approve taxing the nobility.
  • Establishment of the National Assembly

    National Assembly was established (made France stop having an absolute monarchy)
  • Bastille Prison

    Bastille Prison
    The day a mob looking for gunpowder and arms took over a French prison called Bastille (killing several guards and parading with their heads on sticks)
  • Noble Speeches

    Noblemen made speeches talking about liberty and equalit
  • Respect to All (Men)

    the National Assembly adopted “the Declaration of Rights of Men and of the Citizen”
  • Flour Power

    Flour Power
    Thousands of Parisian women rioted over the price of bread, eventually breaking into the palace and kicking the king and queen out. (By the way, I didn't misspell flower the title's just a dumb joke)
  • Royal Escape

    Royal Escape
    The royal family attempted to run away from France but were caught when they were right at the border.
  • Limited King

    The National Assembly completed the new constitution that turned France into a limited monarchy. This took a lot of power away from the king.
  • Dear France, You’re Not You When You’re Hungry, Eat Snickers

    Dear France, You’re Not You When You’re Hungry, Eat Snickers
    War with Austria and Prussia was declared by the General Assembly.
  • Royal Victims

    Royal Victims
    A group of 20,000 men and women invaded Tuileries killing the guards and capturing the royal family.
  • I Told You to Eat Snickers/September Massacre

    The French were very angry so they killed many prisoners, nobles, and priests.
  • National Convention

    The National Convention, a new legislature, took office.
  • Off with his Head!

    Off with his Head!
    The king got decapitated in the town square.
  • 5 vs 1

    Great Britain, Holland, and Spain joined Prussia and Austria in war against France.
  • Turning over a new leader

    Turning over a new leader
    Robespierre became leader of the Committee of Public Safety
  • Turning against the New Leader

    Members of the National Convention turned of Robespierre, insisting he got arrested and executed.
  • Turning over a Newer Government

    The National Convention Drafted a new government plan.