First day of water polo practice
This is the so-called hell week where we have two practices per day of pure agony. -
Period: to
Four years of High School
First finals ever taken
I spent hours studying for my Biology final even though I had a 96% in the class. I ended with a 98%. -
Afterschool hangout
Last day of school, so my friends and I went to hike up Hunters Point and watch the sunset. -
Sea Base
I went coral reef sailing with a couple of other scouts. We spent 1 week in the waters near Florida snorkeling. I even chased a baby shark! -
I went on the 12-day backpacking journey with many other Boy Scouts. We hiked over 80 miles during this trip. -
First day at work
I got a job teaching children how to swim and I still work there to this day. -
The day I got my drivers license. -
Afterschool hangout
We planned to make this every year, so we decided to go to Hunters Point again with the same group of people + one who could not make it last year. This time, we decided to bike up, and my friends decided that we would never do that again. -
Northern Tier
I spent over a week canoeing in the Great Lakes, even going into Canada, with a few other Boy Scouts. After this, I will have earned my Triple Crown award. -
Junior prom!
Winning swimming league championship
Our entire team scored more points than every other team, so we won league champions. We pushed in our coaches and had a blast in the water. -
I went to COSMOS at UCSD to learn more about light and the physics behind it. -
First smartphone
I finally received an invite to buy the OnePlus One smartphone, so I immediately bought it. -
Bought my first car
I used all the money I got from work to buy my very own car! -
Senior Homecomiing
Our last ever homecoming. . . at least I have all of my closest friends! -
Eagle Scout
I earned my rank of Eagle in Boy Scouts. -
First college course taken
I did not want to seem like I stopped trying, so I signed up to take a college course at De Anza.