Jun 1, 753
Founding of Rome
In 753 B.C Romulous and Remus the two orphans who were said to be the sons of the Roman god Mars founded the city of Rome -
Jan 7, 770
Emperor of Rome
In 27 BC Juliuse Ceasar was murderd and inturn his son Octavion took his place as emperor of Rome Octavion's rule was filled with proper for the Romans -
Pax Romana
When the emperor Octavion died the next era for the romans was called the Pax Romana which means Roman peece this era was filled with years of prosperaty -
End of Roman Peace
During the end of Pax Romana Romes economy started to decline with rich people buying farms and smaller farms going out of bussines -
Fall of Rome
In 451 AD Germanic groups were breaking Rome down little by little but one of the most powerful groups were asian the huns. The huns attacked fiercly and almosrt brought Rome to it's knees