founding of Rhode Island
This is the year that Rhode Isalnd was founded, and apart of the thirteen coloines.The founders of Rhode Island is Roger Williams. -
Portsmouth in Rhode Island
This when the Poetsmouth Compact was signed. -
Churches in Rhode island
The first baptist church built . -
Single Government
Rhode Island united with a Providence, which formed a single government. -
Starting wars with indins
The colony played by a local government. -
The Royal Charter
King James granted the royal charater to Rhode Island. -
The War Ended
Wampanoag I nadian Cheif, King Philip, executed; King Philips, and the war ended. -
Becoming king of Rode Iland
William of Orange became king, and Rode Island still has the same government under 1663 charter. -
Voters of Rhode Island
The property ownership established for voters. -
Connectiuct Border Line
The boundary disputes with connecticut; resolved in 1726- 1727. -
Rhode Island Industries
The rhode island colony had 22 distillries, and 3 sugar refineries.