Foundations of the Restoration

  • Period: to

    1) Beginnings

    Fayette NY
  • Organization of the Church

    Peter Whitmer's home in Fayette, NY, sustaining vote and the sacrament
  • D&C 42

    The Law of the Church
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    2) 2 Church Centers

    Kirtland Ohio and Jackson County, Missouri
  • D&C 76

    3 degrees of glory, before, Joseph and Oliver Cowdery were working on the new translation of John
  • D&C 89

    Word of Wisdom
  • D&C 93

    Christ continued from grace to grace until He received a fullness
  • Missouri Mormon War of 1838

    Missourians tried to stop lds men from voting, started a riot and mormons left west
  • D&C 121

    refers to apostate mormons who were accusing Joseph Smith of wrongdoing
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    3) Nauvoo

  • Joseph Smith's first plural marriage

    Louisa Beaman, 26 years old
  • D&C 132

    Eternity of marriage covenant and principle of plural marriage
  • Relief Society disbanded

    Brigham Young scared of Emma Smith preaching against polygamy
  • Succession Crisis of 1844

    After Joseph Smith was martyred, Brigham Young, Sidney Rigdon, Joseph Smith's son and others claimed the keys to the church
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    4) The Church in the West

    Iowa, Winter Quarters on the Missouri River, and Utah
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    Race Restrictions

    Began with Brigham Young.
  • First Vicarious Endowments

    st george temple
  • Canonization of Pearl of Great Price

  • Declaration #1 "The Manifesto" by Wilford Woodruff

    The United States' laws prohibiting plural marriage should be obeyed. Not an excuse to leave current plural families, but don't create new ones.
  • End of the Law of Adoption

    Wilford Woodruff
  • Second Manifesto by Joseph F. Smith

    If a member of the Church enters into a polygamous relationship, they will be excommunicated.
  • D&C 138

    Joseph F Smith, Spirit World
  • Word of Wisdom Accepted

    Heber J Grant dies, Word of Wisdom accepted as standard practice
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    5) Expansion

    Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Official Declaration 2

    Spencer W. Kimball lifted the race restrictions
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    6) The World-Wide Church

    Salt Lake City, Utah