Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act established the role of federal government in helping disadvantaged students by providing them access to equal education opportunities. It also helped with basic needs and established a grant program for students with disabilities. -
Educational Amendments Act
The Educational Amendments Act supported students who were gifted and talented by giving state funding. The Act also gave families the right of due process for special education placement -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
This act, also known as the mainstreaming law, requires states to provide public education for students with disabilities. It also requires the use of IEPs and formed the idea of using the least restrictive environment to benefit student learning. -
Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments
this requires states to provide free education to young children with disabilities. It also implemented early intervention strategies. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This replaced the !975 ETHCA. This began the use of people first language when speaking of a person with disabilities. It also icluded extedning the special education services to include social work, assistive technology, and rehabilitation. It added autism and tramatic brain injuries to disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
This extended the requirements of IEPs to include a general education teacher on team along with behavioral plans. It also put greater responsibility on schools to make sure students have access to general education curriculum including providing services if a student is expelled. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act increased schools accountability by requiring statewide assessments and monitoring yearly progress. This act allows parents to have an option to send their children to better preforming schools if their student does not meet state standards -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
Under this act schools are able to implent RTI for determining whether or not a child has a specific learning disability. This act also raises the standards and requirements of special education licensure. It also implents the use of transitional services for all students to help further educationand vocational training