foundation american gov

By asia.m.
  • john trumbull sr

    john trumbull sr
    the governer of both english colony and the america
  • john witherspoon

    john witherspoon
    was a minster and a founding father of the united states
  • john hancock

    john hancock
    he was an american merchant statesman and a pratriot
  • charles carroll

    charles carroll
    was a wealthey maryland planter
  • john jay

    john jay
    former governer of nyc
  • benjamin rush

    benjamin rush
    he was a signer of the decloration of indepindance. rush was a civil leader in philly.
  • john peter muhlenberg

    john peter muhlenberg
    he was a pastor that was apart of the decloration of independance and the bill of rights
  • D.O.I.

    a breakup letter with england wrote by thomas jefferson
    ben franklin john adams etc. most people worte the independance some others were jus name d
    there are 4 parts to the letter about the things they wanted and the government that they wanted
  • u.s. constitution

    u.s. constitution
    the supreme law of the united states
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights
    the first ten amendments of the U.S.Constitution
  • fifth amendment

    fifth amendment
    the fifth amendment says that the amendment helps people from relivant and
  • "E Pluribus Unum"

    "E Pluribus Unum"
    means out of many one (the motto of the U.S.)
  • alex de tocqueville and his five principles

    alex de tocqueville and his five principles
    he was sent to study the american prison and notice that they were diffrent from the others
    1. Liberty
    2. Egalitarianism
    3. Individualism
    4. Populism
    5. Laissez-Faire
  • eminent domain

    eminent domain
    the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.
  • in god we trust

    in god we trust
    the official motto of the united states