Foskey Giver Vocab

  • Recollection

    A memory or to recall an event.
    I still have a recollection from when I was 2 in Disney World meeting Princess Belle.
    Synonym: Remembered
  • Hasty

    Hurried and Rushed
    My brother was speaking to me very hasty about our last trip to Florida.
    Synonym: Quickly and Fast
  • Indolence

    To be lazy or laziness.
    My dad has an indolence behavior towards picking me up from volleyball.
    Synonym: To be unwilling.
  • Serenely

    peacefully and calmly
    My grandmother was very serenely when she was watching her last sunset.
    Synonym: relaxed
  • Sheepish

    shy; bashful
    I am very sheepish when I am going to an event I dont know anybody in.
    Synonym: Timid
  • Profound

    intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
    The scientist was being very profound to the new technology he had just discovered.
    Synonym: Experienced intelligence
  • Prestige

    status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Jonas in the Giver has a very big prestige to live up to with having the most honorable job in the community.
    Synonym: Reputation, popularity
  • Conspicuous

    noticeable; easy to see
    My cousin was very conspicuous to catch in the party for graduates since she was the most beautiful girl out of everyone.
  • Unnerving

    unsettling and upsetting
    It was very unnerving to watch one of my favorite characters to die in the movie.
    Synonym: heart clenching
  • Requisitioned

    to demand or take
    I requisitioned my teammates to listen to our coach.
    Synonym: to take control.
  • Tentatively

    uncertainly and hesitantly
    The bad guy was becoming very tentatively about what he was doing in the movie.
    Synonym: doubtful, questioning
  • Avert

    To Turn away
    I never understand why boys have to be so immature to start a fight, and to keep on going, why can they avert from each other?
    Synonym: To avoid or back away
  • Self-consciously

    Uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    I am very self-consciously when my friends are talking about honors math and I sit there just embarrassed and shy since I am not.
    Synonym: shamed
  • Torrent

    Swift-flowing stream of something
    Me and my best friend, Grace L, went biking from her house down a block since there is a beautiful torrent down there and setting. The trees that bloomed with blossoms, and the water that's just flowing down , the sound of it is so calming.
    Synonym: Stream
  • Obsolete

    no longer useful
    In the Giver the birthmothers are obsolete after they had their births.
    Synonym: out of date
  • Unwieldy

    hard to carry or handle
    My neighbors kids can sometimes be unwieldy, they can be screaming, kicking and very hard to handle, however most of the times they are cute to babysit.
    Synonym: unmanageable
  • Wincing

    shrinking back involuntarily
    I was wincing about the pain my brother was having in his appendix.
    Synonym: tightening up
  • Fretful

    uneasy or distressed
    I was very fretful about the placement test for Honors math all night.
    Synonym: stressed out, worried
  • Admonition

    In my house in Florida there was an admonition about the hurricane that was gonna hit the area.
    Synonym: Alert
  • Relinquished

    gave up
    Me and my brother were having a fight about who should clean the kitchen. I always clean the kitchen he never does, however I wasn't going to win against him he is just soo annoying, so I relinquished, and decided I would clean the kitchen. I knew my mom would take me out to eat in a nice restaurant because of me cleaning the kitchen and he wouldn't be able to go. That thought made me happy.
    Synonym: To let go or hand over