Forrest Gump Timeline Project

  • Ku Klux Klan Founded

    Ku Klux Klan Founded
    In the movie Forrest Gump claims that his mother named him after Civil war hero, Nathan Bedford Forrest. This man was the person who founded the Klu Klux Klan during the 1800's. The Ku Klux Klan was a group of white supremacists.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    In the movie, Elvis stays with Forrest and his mother. Elvis Presley is a famous rock-n-roll icon. He was known as the "Kind of Rock," and he is still one of the greatest rock-n-roll artists today.
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    Vietnam War

    In the movie, Forrest enlists in the Vietnam war. The Vietnam War was a Cold War conflict pitting the U.S. and the remnants of the French colonial government in South Vietnam against the Vietnamese independence movement, the Viet Minh. America's commitment to the Truman Doctrine and fear of the Domino Theory led it to view defense of the South Vietnamese government as part of the global struggle against communism.
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    Hippie Movement

    After Forrest leaves Jenny, he finds her associating with the Hippies once he is called to the stage to talk about the Anti-war Movement. The Hippies protested against the Vietnam war. They were all about peace and love.
  • Stand in The Schoolhouse Door

    Stand in The Schoolhouse Door
    In the movie, Forrest found himself in front of the camera while they were filming it. The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door was an event in which Alabama Governor George Wallace stood in the door of the University of Alabama to prevent the entry of two black students
  • Black Panther Party Founded

    Black Panther Party Founded
    In the movie, Jenny takes Forrest Gump to a meeting of the Black Panther Party. The Black Panther Party was an African American revolutionary leftist organization from 1966-1982. They believed in preventing racism against blacks, and that all blacks deserved to be treated equally to whites in society. The group was specifically known for its rhetoric, military posture and its way of expressing their beliefs.
  • Dick Cavett Show

    Dick Cavett Show
    In the movie, Forrest appears on The Dick Cavett Show. The Dick Cavett Show was the title of several talk shows hosted by Dick Cavett on various television networks. This show lasted for about 18 years.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    In the movie, Forrest becomes very good at playing ping pong. He even played on the American team against the Chinese. The Ping Pong Diplomacy was an incident where Glenn Cowan missed the bus and had to ride with the Chinese. He talks with Zhuang Zhedong, and it is soon agreed on that the American tennis team would be used for foreign affairs by playing with members of the Chinese team.
  • Moon Landing with Apollo 11

    Moon Landing with Apollo 11
    In the movie while Forrest is playing ping pong, all of the scientists are watching him practice with a wall. While this is going on, the TV shows Neil Armstrong landing on the moon saying his first words. The Apollo 11 was the first mission to land on the moon during the Space Race.
  • Forrest meets John Lennon

    Forrest meets John Lennon
    In the movie Forrest Gump is asked to sit in on a television interview with John Lennon and Dick Carret. John Lennon was an English musician and singer who was one of the founding members of The Beatles. With Beatle Fellow, Paul McCartney, he formed one of the most successful songwriting partnerships of the 20th century. The Beatles were very famous in the pop culture world.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    In the movie, Forrest Gump witnesses the Watergate Scandal from the Watergate hotel. The Watergate scandal was a political scandal during the 1970's which involved a break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Office Complex. After investigation it was found out that President Nixon was aware of this and that several members of the Committee to Re-elect the President had participated in this break-in.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Hurricane Carmen hit while Forrest was on the shrimping boat. Hurricane was a level 4 hurricane. It went through 2 states of the United States:Louisiana and Texas. There were 8 fatalities.
  • Nixon Resigns from President

    Nixon Resigns from President
    In the movie, President Richard Nixon resigns as president. This is significant because it also happens in real life. Nixon had to go through the Watergate Scandal, so he resigned.
  • Apple Computers Founded

    Apple Computers Founded
    Forrest invested in this company when it started. Apple is a company founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. It is a company of technology.
  • HIV/AIDS Outbreak

    HIV/AIDS Outbreak
    In Forrest Gump, Jenny developed HIV from the drugs and sex. This is important because this affected many people during this time period. This disease was life threatening.