Joseph McCarthy was a U.S senator who accused citizens of being Communist sympathizers and spies. McCarthyism is when you make accusations without proper evidence. Joseph McCarthy's accusations created more fear and tension between the U.S and the Soviet Union. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N35IugBYH04 -
Korean War Begins
The Korean War started in 1950 due to the North Korean Communist Army invading the non-Communist South Korea. The U.S came to South Korea's aid and fought back against the North. Eventually the Chinese army attacked the South's forces. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxaegqvl4aE -
Desegregation of Schools
The desegregation of schools is one of the most important events for the Civil Rights movement. Brown v. Board of Education helped integrate white and black schools and overrule the Plessy v. Ferguson case ("separate but equal"). Many southerners did not like the integration and it took years for full support in the south. -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War started when the North Vietnamese government fought to reunite Vietnam. The U.S joined the war later because of their belief of the domino effect that if Vietnam fell to Communism so will the rest of Asia. The U.S withdrew from the war when President Nixon began Vietnamisation, the war ended in 1975 when North Vietnam took over Saigon. -
Hippie Movement
The hippie is a part of a counterculture youth movement who's goal was to spread peace and open the spirit and mind. They rejected most of societies morals and views and started movements against those morals. They experimented with drugs, sex, and new forms of music. -
Black Panther Party
The Black Panther Party was formed to patrol African American populated areas to prevent police brutality. The Black Panthers were a militant based party. They intimidated a lot of people. -
Ping-Pong Diplomacy
The Ping-Pong Diplomacy helped Nixon visit Beijing to ease Cold War tensions and improve relations. This event is widely known as one of Nixon's most successful diplomatic events. This event helped the U.S have a better grip on improving relations with the Soviet Union. -
Apple is one of the biggest and influential multinational companies on Earth. Apple helped create a lot of helpful technology and advanced our society. It has been widely claimed that Apple uses children to mine minerals for their products. -
U.S. Rescue Attempt to Save Hostages in Tehran Fails
Jimmy Carter attempted to end the Iranian hostage crisis by creating Operation Eagle Claw. Operation Eagle Claw was a plan to send in an aircraft to rescue the 52 hostages. Operation Eagle Claw failed when there weren't enough aircrafts to complete the mission and a helicopter crashed into an aircraft and exploded. The failure of Operation Eagle Claw pointed out the weak coordination and communication in the U.S army. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Km3dx7wppA -
The Star Wars Program
The Star Wars Program was a program that proposed a missile defense system against nuclear weapons. For the next 9 years American scientists and engineers studied and thought up many advanced weapon concepts such as particle beam lasers, satellites and combat centers around the globe, high performance computer systems, and more. Political support for this program collapsed and so did the program itself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI-YkEIiUXY -
Cold War Ends
The Cold War ended when the Berlin wall was torn down and the USSR collapsed. Germany reunified after the Berlin wall was demolished. Tensions lowered a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-K19rVDxoM -
Oklahoma City Bombing
This event was the worst domestic terrorist act in the U.S. This bombing killed 168 and injured 680. Enhanced security measures were taken, the way the FBI worked had changed, and many say America lost its innocence after the bombing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UknJ7VS0nuE