Forrest Gump Timeline - Quirk

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    After the refusal of Rosa Parks to give up her seat on the bus, the black civil rights leaders decided to boycott the city buses. Many Civil Rights Activists used other types of transportation instead of buses.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    A proxy war during the Cold War era between the US backed South Vietnam and Communist backed North Vietnam. It was a war that lasted for about 20 years with no winner, resulting in large sums of money and human life being lost. Many in the US were against the war and questioned it. []
  • The Little Rock 9

    The Little Rock 9
    A group of African Americans were to be admitted to the Little Rock Central High school after the "Separate but Equal" clause was ruled unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education. The group was met with large resistance from white protesters and the militia commanded by governor Faubus of Alabama. To allow the nine to enter high school, President Eisenhower took over the militia and allowed them to pass.
  • Rise of the Hippies

    Rise of the Hippies
    To separate from the normal culture and go against Conformity, a counter culture was created, where the people were called hippies. Hippies were centered around drug usage, increased sexual activity, and rock music. They also involved themselves in protesting against the Vietnam War.
  • President Kennedy's Assassination

    President Kennedy's Assassination
    President Kennedy was shot by Lee Henry Oswald and died in Dallas, Texas. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson then took over office.
  • Gulf of Ton-kin Resolution

    Gulf of Ton-kin Resolution
    President Lyndon B. Johnson appeals to Congress for permission to increase military presence in Vietnam, after the attack on two US destroyers in the Gulf of Ton-kin. Congress approves of it and allows the President to make any necessary changes to the military that he believes are required, which is known as the Gulf of Ton-kin resoultion.
  • Vietnam War Protests

    Vietnam War Protests
    With the escalation of the war through the decisions of Congress and President Johnson, many people began to question the war. Many of the college students began to protest through sit ins, boycotts, marches, and burning their draft papers.
  • The Black Panther Party

    The Black Panther Party
    One of many organizations to appear during the Civil Rights Movement.The Black Panther party provided community social programs to people, as well as monitoring the actions of the Oakland Police Department in California in response to police brutality. The police saw the party as a threat and repeatedly sabotaged and criminalized them.
  • The Moon Landing of Apollo 11

    The Moon Landing of Apollo 11
    With the development of technology and sciences, the first successful moon landing by the US was established. Though the first to get to the moon would be the Soviets and the Luna 2.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    President Nixon and his administration are accused of wiretapping the Watergate hotel to gain an upper hand in the up coming election against the Democrats. President Nixon later resign to avoid the disgrace of being impeached after conclusive evidence is given known as the "Smoking Gun" tape.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    A category 4 hurricane that landed in the Louisiana marshlands and dissipated in Texas. It devastated the land, leaving 100,000 homeless and damaging the farmland there.
  • Ronald Reagan's Assassination Attempt

    Ronald Reagan's Assassination Attempt
    President Ronald Reagan was almost killed in his 69th day of being president by John Hinckley, Jr. He was heavily injured with a bullet to his lung.