Earth Scicence

  • 1 CE

    Big Bang

    One of the theories that the universe is created from a small mass that contains big and high energy. According to the theory, Big Bang occurred at 0 seconds in space-time. The elements and masses from the explosion created the solar system.13.8 billion years ago
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    Creation of Sun

    The cloud of dust called a nebula gathered in the center of the current solar system. It first formed as a disk but it constricted as a sphere because of gravity. 4600BCE
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    Planetary Accretion

    Small rocks bumped each other and created small planets. It became larger and become the Earth and other planets. 4600BCE
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    Earth's core formation

    The convection during this period forms a core of Earth. Heavier elements sank and became the core, and lighter elements became the crust, such as silicon. 4500BCE
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    Formation of the Moon

    An asteroid the size of Mars smashed into Earth. The huge amount of energy from the impact melted most of Earth's surface. Material from both Earth and the asteroid was thrown out into orbit. Over time, this material smashed together to form our Moon. 4490BCE
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    Planetary Cooling

    The planet cooled and formed a solid crust. 4300BCE
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    End of the Heavy Bombardment

    Failed planets and smaller asteroids slammed into Earth's surface, scarring their surface. Some of the asteroids and comets contained hydrogen crystals which created water. 3800BCE
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    Ocean&Atmosphere formed

    The released gases from volcanoes formed atmosphere. The more gases condensed, the more water created. Hydrogen crystals from the asteroids and comets also created water. Water gathered in large amount and it became the ocean. 3800~3700 BCE