Forrest Gump Timeline - Zaria & Kaylee

  • Elvis Presley - Hound Dog

    Elvis Presley - Hound Dog
    While Elvis is playing around on his guitar for Forrest, he comes out with a little dance - Elvis later using his own version of the exact same dance days later when he debuts with his single, Hound Dog.Hound Dog Music Video
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Forrest was sent to fight in the war against Vietnam in which the US and the French colonial government fought against the Northern, communist, Vietnamese independence movement. Cold War In Asia Crash Course
  • Desegregation of Alabama University (Ole Miss)

    Desegregation of Alabama University (Ole Miss)
    JFK sent some guards in order to assist the African Americans with getting into an all-white Alabama University. Days later, the school was desegregated, the rest of the southern states slowly following. Desegregation of Alabama University Interactive Slides
  • Assassination of John F Kennedy

    Assassination of John F Kennedy
    Forrest first meets JFK for his outstanding citizenship, later reporting the moment that he had been assassinated in Dallas, Texas while riding in with his wife in Dealey Plaza. John F Kennedy Getting Merked Footage
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    Members of the Black Panther Party formed to work for the advancement of black rights. At this point, they were meeting in Oakland, California.Black Panther Party
  • Apple Company Comes into Fruition

    Apple Company Comes into Fruition
    Forrest mentions a "fruit" company that tells him that he doesn't have to worry about paying for money any longer. This company his money was invested in was known as the Apple company which quickly thrived and became successful.Apple Timeline
  • Robert Kennedy's Assassination

    Robert Kennedy's Assassination
    After Kennedy's brother had won the presidential primaries during the 1968 election, Robert F. Kennedy was shot and fatally wounded. He died after being hospitalized.Robert Kennedy's Assassination
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    There was a ping pong competition between the United States and the People's Republic of China in the early 1970s. The event helped improve relationships between the US and China.Ping Pong Diplomacy Documentary
  • Attempted Assassination of George Wallace

    Attempted Assassination of George Wallace
    During Wallace's campaign, he was shot multiple times at a close range by someone with an intent to kill him. However, he had survived the shooting after being sent to the Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring.Attempted Assassination of George Wallace
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    President Richard Nixon's administrations attempted to cover up the involvement of the break-in at DNC headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, DC. In the end, the administration was destroyed and Nixon had soon resigned.Watergate Scandal In A Minute
  • Hurricane Carmen Hits

    Hurricane Carmen Hits
    Hurricane Carmen was an intense tropical cyclone that originated as a tropical disturbance emerging from Africa. As it moved to the Yucatan Peninsula, it's intensity had grown to a Category 4 and once it had hit, it caused significant crop damage as well as killed many people.Six Facts ABout Hurricane Carmen
  • Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan

    Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan
    While taking his leave after a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC, Ronald Reagan was shot - merely wounded instead of actually being killed.Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan
  • Aids Outbreak

    Aids Outbreak
    Jenny tells Forrest that she has a virus that doctors are incapable of identifying. The virus, in fact, was the HIV virus, marking the outbreak of AIDS across the worldAIDS Outbreak Timeline