Forest Gump Project

  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    The Ku Klux Klan was a group of people who were against African Americans, and they reemerged in the 1950s. They allied with neo-Nazis as well, and used a lot of violence against African Americans.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    This event relates to Key Concept 8.1(I. B and II. B) by talking about how the Vietnam war was controversial in the United States and about communism. Using the domino theory, the United states sent troops to fight in Vietnam. In the end, there were about 2 million Vietnamese deaths, and 58,200 Americans were killed, the United States also spent more than $120 billion on this war, sending them into debt and deficit spending. (
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley is known as the king of rock n' roll. He had many hit records and helped inspire American music. He mixed together rhythm and blues with country and bluegrass in order to produce Rock n' roll.
  • Hippie Movement

    Hippie Movement
    This event relates to Key Concept 8.3(II.B)because it talks about counterculture which the hippie movement was a part of,and it started up during the Vietnam War. The people who participated were set on defying middle class social standards, and instead dressed with long hair, casual clothes, and bright colors. They advocated for nonviolence and for love.(
  • Drug Culture

    Drug Culture
    This event relates to Key Concept 8.3(II.B)because it talks about counterculture which drug culture was a part of. During the late 1960s, about 50% of college students either used or tried drugs such as pot and LSD. Drug culture was also represented in some music, and as more drugs started to emerge, the drug use increased. (
  • University of Alabama Racial Integration

    University of Alabama Racial Integration
    This relates to Key Concept 8.2 (I.C) because it talks about desegregating and how some people were against it, but others wanted it. Two African American students were prevented from enrolling in the University of Alabama by George Wallace. President John F. Kennedy had to send troops to let the students enroll and enter into the school. (
  • Assasination of President John F. Kennedy

    Assasination of President John F. Kennedy
    President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while he was on a campaign run. He was shot twice, once in the head, and once in the neck and was driven to the hospital, where he later died. He was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, who was later arrested that day.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    This relates to Key Concept 8.2 (III.D) because it talks about groups that rejected liberal policies because they didn't help racial status, and the Black Panthers were an organization that advocated for stopping racism against black people and that they should be treated the same as white people. They were not afraid to use violence and wanted to arm all African Americans.(
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    This relates to Key Concept 8.1 (II.B) because it talks about anti war protests that escalated to violence, and at the massacre, hundreds of college students anti-war protesters were protesting outside of Kent State.There were small conflicts with the police throughout the day, and some Ohio national guards men fired their weapons in the air and crowd, killing four students and injuring nine others. This fueled the antiwar movement. (
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    This relates to Key Concept 8.2 (III.E)because it talks about government trust declining due to political scandals. Five men broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate complex, they were connected to the reelection of president Nixon, and they were caught trying to steal documents and wire tapping phones. When it was exposed that Nixon was connected to this, he resigned from office. (
  • Apple Company

    Apple Company
    This company was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak who were both college dropouts. They focused on making small computers that people could have in their houses or offices. They revolutionized the way people saw computers and later on, cellphones.
  • Aids outbreak

    Aids outbreak
    This relates to Key Concept 8.2 (II.A) because it talks about the gay community and when aids first broke out, it was most common in the gay community and is a deadly disease that can be easily transmitted. It was also common in drug users who shared needles, etc. At first, President Reagan was silent about the matter which led to him being criticized by activists that were trying to help the people with Aids. (