44 BCE
Julius Caesar is assassinated
Autopsy reveals one wound is fatal out of 23. -
Period: Jan 1, 1248 to Dec 31, 1248
First Forensic Science book
Made by Chinese to help solve crimes. -
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Physical evidence helps solve a murder case
Blood was found on a farmer that matched blood found in a murder case. -
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First time chemical testing is utilized
James Marsh helps determine that arsenic is the cause of death in a murder case. -
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It is discovered that fingerprints are unique
Juan Vucetich came up with a way to identify fingerprints known as dactyloscopy. -
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A NY prison uses fingerprint ID
This is the first time prisoner ID is used. -
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Hair is now a tool in forensic science
Victor Balthazard and Marcelle Lambert publish their studies on hair which in turn helps advance forensic science -
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Crime lab is built
Los Angeles builds the first crime lab ever. -
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New DNA technique to help ID people
Sir Alec Jeffreys developed a new technique to ID people. -
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A 4 second dental match