Julius Ceaser
the assassination of Julius Caesar the attending physician proclaimed that of the 23 wounds found on the body ‘only one’ was fatal -
Germanic and Slavic societies
Germanic and Slavic societies were believed to be the first to put down in statute that medical experts should be employed to determine cause of death -
Apr 12, 1247
the first textbook
the first textbook on forensic medicine was published in China which among others things documented the procedures to be followed when investigating a suspicious death. -
The Carfax Are Shown
First recorded instance of physical matching of evidence leading to a murder conviction (John Toms, England). Evidence was a torn edge of newspaper in a pistol that matched newspaper in his pocket. -
Poison in my tummy!
German chemist Valentin Ross developed a method of detecting arsenic in a victim's stomach, thus advancing the investigation of poison deaths. -
lemme see them fingers
Juan Vucetich, an Argentinean police officer, is the first to use fingerprints as evidence in a murder investigation. He created a system of fingerprint identification, which he termed dactyloscopy. -
learning the trade
First school of forensic science founded by Rodolphe Archibald Reiss, in Switzerland. -
protect your weave
Victor Balthazard and Marcelle Lambert publish first study on hair, including microscopic studies from most animals. First legal case ever involving hair also took place following this study -
First police crime lab established in Los Angeles. -
its a national ting now
FBI established the National Crime Information Center, a computerized national filing system on wanted people, stolen vehicles, weapons, etc.