Forensic History

  • A bullet comparison to catch a murderer

    Henry Goddard first used bullet comparison. His comparison was to a mold Henry Goddard first used bullet comparison to catch a murderer. Henry Goddard first used bullet comparison to catch a murderer.
  • Invention of the breathalyzer

    William Duncan Mcnally invented the breathalyzer that measures the alcohol level
  • First use of voiceprint identification

    Voiceprint identification was made by bell laboratories in the late1940s for military uses, but not used until late 1960s
  • The invention of the first contrast microscope

    Frits Zernike invented the first contrast microscope, receiving a nobel prize
  • It was the early use of hand writing analysis

  • The first time forensic science was used (finger printing)

    DNA fingerprinting was first used by police to find the killer of two teenagers