Al-Qaeda terrorist launch attack againsit U.S. Islamic terrorist groups hijacked 4 airlines. 2 planes flown over World Trade Center in NYC. 3rd plane hit pentagon, 4th crashed in pennsylvania. The result 3,000 people killed including 400 police officiers and firefighters -
"war on terror"
George W. Bush delivered a speech telling American people that U.S is pursuing "war on terror." It's used to seize all assets on a terrorist organization like Al-Qaeda. The military use every power to gather violent extremists that threaten U.S. In 2013 Obama put a stop to it. The organization started b/c the collapse of world trade center. -
"operation enduring freedom"
U.S president Bush demanded Taliban give over Osama bin Laden/ expel al-Qaeda. Taliban refused unless they had evidence he involved in 9/11 attack. Taliban never turned Laden over and resulted in never trading with them again. involved with Iraqi people. -
Operation Anaconda
This operation was used to destroy Al-Qaeda and Taliban. This took place in Shahi-Kot valley and Arma mountains. First large scale battle with Afganistan since battle of Tora Bora. U.S estimated killing about 500 people during this battle. -
Marshall Plan
George W. Bush delivered speech to rebuild Afganistan. He got the idea from WW2 because first we blow it up and now he thinks we should restore it. He delievered it Monterrrey, Mexico. Bush provided money for food and health aid and sercurity for the people who cant care for themselves during the hard times. -
CPA stands for (coalition provisional authority). U.S helped provide security and stability in the country. CPA is divided into 4 geographical regions Arbil, Baghdad, Al Hillah and Basra. -
"Mission Accomplished"
George W. Bush delivered a speech stating that all major combat operations with Iraq will end. On the other hand we still have troops on foot in Iraq today. Bush arrived at the USS Abraham Lincoln in a lockeheed S-3 Viking. Only 8,000 soliders were left in Afganistan. In the speech he states that he removed troops because we came to a point were we have to approach situations differently. -
UN Headquaters
at 4:45pm a truck sat outside UN headquaters and blow up half the building. This massive bombing was in Baghdad. Top UN envoys in Iraq,Serigo Veieira de Mello and brazilian national killed. 17 dead, 100 injured. -
India v.s U.S
President Bush signed legislation allowing civilian nuclear cooperation with India. Bush makes exceptions which prohibit nuclear trade outside the treaty. Allow to trade nuclear fuel and invest nuclear plant in India. Later on, this was called U.S-India peaceful atomic energy act. Creating this act allowed Amercia to become close allies with India knowing they wont do anything to harm us. -
Aid of Cuba
Obama lifted travel restrictions in Cuba. Obama provided to Cuban-Americans unlimited visits/unrestricted financial aid to families in Cuba. Obama wanted Cuba to become free again and to be independent. But one thing Obama didn't lift was old trades embargo with them. -
"New Start"
New Start treaty limits the amount of strategic nuclear arms Russia has. And inspections on their dangerous weapons. And nuclear missiles will be reduced to half. Nuclear warheads to 1,550. Everything concerning weapons will be reduced and modified/watched by U.S officals -
Weapons of mass destruction(WMD)
Obama withdraws U.S troops from Iraq. Bush in 2007 believed Iraq military was keeping dangerous weapons that could harm U.S. Also to get follow ups on an organization named Al-Qaeda. So Obama sent troops to advise Iraqi military. Too many soliders died so he withdrew them so there were no more casualties. Giving that Iraq is our worst enemy the WMD they were building were going to be used for someone they didnt like. -
war on drugs
The United States has made smuggles drugs a national security, only because it could spread corporations, undermine fledgling democracies and finance terrorists. Drugs in our country have become a big epidemic, so smuggling more into our country can cause a lot worse. The cocaine is made in South America and where they sneak(smuggle) into America. AUC was established to stop drug lords from trafficking the drugs other places. -
Edward snowden
Snowden leaked classified government information(he bussed U.S for using surveillances spying on companies) without authorization. He flew to Hong Kong and stole information and then flew to Russia. The U.S is trying to bring him back to the United States to try him for treason. Russia is keeping him there and now he lives in Russia. If Snowden came back he will be sentenced to death he now has been in Russia for 5 years. -
chemical weapons-Syria
Obama wants to use military action against Syria. But wants congress approval first. Obama wants to hold Assad accountable for using chemical weapons without authorization. Un inspectors say they found traces of chemical weapons outside Damascus. Obama believed the weapons could pose a threat to the U.S and innocents.