Foregin Policy part 3

  • Treaty of tripili

    Treaty of tripili
    was the first treaty between the us and tripoli signed during jeffersons administration but put into effect in adams
  • Embargo act of1807

    Embargo act of1807
    stopped trade with brittian and france during the napolianic wars during jeffersons term in office
  • the monroe doctrine

    the monroe doctrine
    declared that any nation to try and colonize in north or latian america would be viewed as an act of agression
  • Mexican american war

    Mexican american war
    a war between mexico and the us over the annexation of texas during J.K.Polks administration
  • alaska purchase treaty

    alaska purchase treaty
    when the us bought alaska from russia during andrew johnsons administration
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    kept trade between the US and china after the chinese exclusion act during the administration of of taft
  • Algerciras Conference

    Algerciras Conference
    happened during the Roosevelt administration and was held for a soulution to the maccaroon crisis
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    that the US, Germany, and france my not use war force against each other, this was signed by calvin coolidge
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    A meeting held to think about the re-establishment of war toen europe during FDR's term
  • the beginig of the koren war

    the beginig of the koren war
    to help the south korens stay democratic and keep communisium in the noth during trumas term
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    refers to a speach made by eisenhower that singled out the soviet union.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    a 13 day conflict in which america and cuba resulting in a stalemate during the kennedy administration
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    Ended the Vietnaum war with the capture of saigon duing the ford administration.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    An attempt made by carter to get back 54 americans who were kept as hostages in iran for 444 days ater a group of iranian rebles took over the us embassy.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    an idea to use a ground to space protection system for the us against nucular war
  • Fall of the berlin wall

    Fall of the berlin wall
    marks the offical end to the cold war during the regan administration
  • oslo accords

    oslo accords
    happened during the clinton administration to create plaistinenn peace
  • Peacful atomic energy cooperation act

    Peacful atomic energy cooperation act
    a pact that stated that india or the us would not use atomic force against each other under the bush jr. administation
  • 14 points

    14 points
    14 points Wilson introduced to avaoid ww2