Food Timeline

  • USDA established

    Abraham Lincoln founded to oversee farming, ranching, and aspects of food quality and safety
  • Pure food and drug act establishment

    prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in commerce
  • New food code

    established because food makers were selling impure products
  • FDA established

    Made to protect health of US public, ensure quality of food and medicine
  • Meat inspection act established

    prohibited sale of adulterated or misbranded livestock and ensured sanitary slaughter and processing
  • First certified color regulations established

    list of seven approved colors for use in food
  • Gould amendment established

    required contents to be marked outside food packaging
  • Food, drug, and cosmetic act established

    FDR signed, put medicines and cosmetics under control required to be labeled with proper use instructions
  • GRAS list published

    (generally recognized as safe) list published by the fda
  • Food additives amendment established

    anything added to food is considered a food additive and subject to approval by FDA
  • Federal hazardous substance labeling act

    precautionary labeling on the container of hazardous household products to help customers safely store and use, and to give them immediate first aid steps to take if an accident happens
  • Fair packaging and labeling act

    packages must be labeled to disclose net contents, identity of commodity and name and place of maker
  • saccharin study and labeling act

    required scientific inspection regarding impurities in sweetener known as saccharin
  • FDA mandated HACCP regulations for seafood

    mandated HACCP requires seafood processors to address all seafood safety hazards identified by the hazard analysis in the HACCP plan
  • Nutrition labelling and education act established

    deem food misbranded unless it has nutrition labels
  • Dietary supplement health and education act established

    amended federal food, drug, and cosmetic act of 1994 to define a "dietary supplement"
  • Food allergen labeling and consumer protection act

    list all ingredients that can cause allergic reactions
  • Food safety modernization

    mandates to require science-based controls to prevent foodborne illness