Listeria Jalisco Products Mexican Cheese Outbreak
Listeria monocytogenes infected the cheese because of the use of unpasterized milk in the Mexican cheese in Los Angeles, California. 142 people became sick and 28 people died.
http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2011/11/remembering-the-sad-1985-listeriosis-outbreak/#.VgNO1dJVhBc -
Jewel Food's Milk Salmonella Outbreak
Milk traced with Salmonella was found at the Jewel Food store chain in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The salmonella was caused due to spoilage of the milk. About 6,000 people became ill and 9 died.
http://www.nytimes.com/1985/04/17/garden/salmonella-outbreak-is-traced.html -
Jack in the Box E.Coli Outbreak
E.coli 0157:H7 was found in uncooked hamburger meat from the Jack in the Box fast-food chain all over the U.S. 700 became extremely ill and at least 10 people died.
http://www.foodpoisonjournal.com/foodborne-illness-outbreaks/jack-in-the-box-e-coli-outbreak-revisited-how-safe-is-our-food-supply-today/#.VgNSk9JVhBc -
Ball Park Hot Dogs Listeria Outbreak
Listeria monocytogenes was found in a Michigan processing plant that contaminated the Hot Dogs. 21 people died and 62 became sick.
http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2012/04/the-ten-deadliest-outbreaks-in-history-revisited/#.VgNPxtJVhBe -
Sizzler restaurants E. Coli Outbreak
E.Coli 0157:H7 was found in the Sizzler restaurants meat in Wisconsin. It was caused by cross-contamination between the meat processing area and the ready-to-eat food preparation area. 600 people became ill and 1 child died.
http://www.about-ecoli.com/ecoli_outbreaks/view/sizzler-e-coli-outbreak/#.VgNVFdJVhBc -
Chi-Chi's restaurant Hepatitis A green onion outbreak
Hepatitis A infected green onion that were imported from Mexico that were handled improperly to Chi-Chi's restaurant in Monaca, Pennsylvania. This sickened hundreds and 4 people died.
http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#10 -
Dole Baby Spinach E. Coli Outbreak
The FDA found E.Coli 0157: H7 in uncooked Dole Baby sinach in California's Salinas Valley. The spinach was grown at a cattle ranch which infected it by the exposure to the cattle. Three people died, and about 230 people became ill.
http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/worst-foodborne-illness-outbreaks#11 -
Pilgrim's Pride sliced turkey Listeria Outbreak
Sliced turkey meats from Pilgrim's Pride poultry plants in New York, maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey were found with listeria monocytogenes were found in the machinery that contaminated the packaged turkey. 54 became ill and 8 were killed.
http://www.outbreakdatabase.com/site/search/?outbreak=&vehicle=&organism=Listeria+monocytogenes&month=&year=2002&state=0&country=US&x=38&y=19 -
Salmonella Peanut Butter Outbreak
Salmonella typhimurium was found in the paste and peanuts used to make peanut butter in plants all over the U.S. 714 illnessed were reported in 46 states and at least 9 were killed.
http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/2009/peanut-butter-2008-2009.html -
Listera Cantaloupe Outbreak at Jensen Farms in Colorado
Listeria monocytogenes traced the cantaloupe farm where they became contaminated. 146 people became sick and 36 people died.