Food Across the Decades

  • Food Trends 1950s

    The 1950s saw a rise in popularity of quick & easy meals, with women entering the work force and the great depression ending only a decade prior.Households were eating meals that were built for efficiency, not taste.The 1950s is also where the worlds most well known fast food franchises started to emerge.The war had left the world with little access to sugar, and as a result, it was added to multiple food items as a way of increasing energy and adding a more delightful taste to many food items.
  • Popular foods 1950s

    Popular foods in the 1950s include:
    Tuna mornay
    Frosted meatloaf
    Grasshopper pie
    Swedish meatballs
    Devilled eggs
    Chicken pot pie
  • Popular Food 1960s

    Popular foods in the 1960s include:
    Shrimp cocktails
    Eggs benedict
    Beef wellington
    Meatballs with grape jelly (its weird I know don't ask)
    Onion soup
    Chicken à la king
  • Food Trends 1960s

    In the 1960s food companies rose in popularity, however cooking was still a beloved activity. The 1960s allowed the world to try different cuisines and embrace them into their everyday lives, leading to dinner parties. Cook books became increasingly sexist in this era though, with the main focus being about pleasing mean in the dining room. This didn't come without it's complaints however, as the feminist movement was in full swing once more.
  • Popular Foods 1970s

    Popular foods in the 1970s include:
    Carrot cake
    Pasta primavera
    Watergate salad
    Pineapple chicken
  • Food Trends 1970s

    With the Vietnam war and the economic crisis, the 1970s was home to a farm-to-table model, with households planting seeds in their garden and consuming more fresh produce in order to promote health and a more natural flavour after the domination processed quick and easy meals had over the food industry. Although the fast and convenient meals were still popular in the 70s, they were becoming increasingly less popular as the decade progressed.
  • Food Trends 1980s

    The 1980s were an interesting time for food, people now eating food to enjoy it rather than to just eat food. After serious health concerns were expressed people started to result back to cooking homemade meals. Fast food was still popular at the time however, but at the same time high-end dining saw a rise in popularity. Comfort foods and new cuisines were on the rise and salad bars also made an appearance.
  • Popular Foods 1980s

    Popular foods in the 1980s includes:
    Sloppy Joes
    French onion soup
    Buffalo chicken wings
    Bread bowls
    Baked brie
  • Food Trends 1990s

    With the advancements in technology, the internet exposed the general household to food blogs and articles. Celebrity chef and reality cooking shows were also quite popular at the time. Finally the commercial food market was exposed for the problems with the food, allowing for low-fat and sugar-free foods to take over the industry. The Mediterranean diet grew in popularity and the preservation of the home and herbs grew popular as well.
  • Popular Foods 1990s

    Popular foods in the 1990s include:
    Sun dried tomatoes
    Tall food
    Lava cake
    Crab cakes
    Stuffed pizza crust
    Red velvet
    Crème Brulé
  • Food Trends 2000s

    The 2000s saw a decrease in fast food, people finally caring about where their food was coming from not just how it tastes. In its place high quality versions of many foods emerged, such as burgers, barbecue and craft beer. Organic foods and Starbucks became must-haves and the no-carb craze of the some 90s diets came to an end with the sudden rise in cupcake popularity.
  • Popular Foods 2000s

    Popular foods in the 2000s include:
    Cake pops
    Mac 'n cheese