Floral Timeline

By rc3337
  • 9997 BCE

    Aborigines in Austrailia

    Aborigines in Austrailia
    Aborigines in Australia paint on stone portrayal of organized warfare.
  • 3300 BCE


    Invention of writing by Sumerians in Mesopotamia, wheels, and plows.
  • 2773 BCE

    Egyptians use Calendar

    Egyptians use Calendar
    Egyptians use calendar with 365 days.
  • 1940 BCE

    Art Deco Period

    Art Deco Period
    Strong geometric lines and patterns.
  • 1901 BCE

    Victorian Period

    Victorian Period
    Detail with colors and patterns.
  • 1814 BCE

    French Period

    French Period
  • 1814 BCE

    Empire Period

  • 1801 BCE

    American Federal Period

    American Federal Period
  • 1792 BCE

    Louis XVI Period

  • 1780 BCE

    Colonial Williamsburg Period

    Colonial Williamsburg Period
  • 1760 BCE

    English-Georgian Period

    English-Georgian Period
  • 1750 BCE

    Baroque and Dutch-Flemish Period

    Baroque and Dutch-Flemish Period
    Symmetrical and asymmetrical designs, large containers, elaborate arrangements, oval shapes, different shapes.
  • 1700 BCE

    French Baroque Period

    French Baroque Period
    S curved lines, large amounts of ornamentation.
  • 1665 BCE

    Great Plague of London

    The Great Plague of London kills 75,000.
  • 1600 BCE

    Renaissance Period

    Renaissance Period
    Large, symmetrical, bright colors.
  • 1509 BCE

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    1509-1547 A.D.
    Coronation of Henry VIII
  • 1425 BCE

    Gothic Period

    Gothic Period
    Tall arrangements, minimal amount of flowers.
  • 1400 BCE

    Middle Ages Period

    Middle Ages Period
    Little emphasis on floral arranging for decorative purposes.
  • 600 BCE

    Byzantine Period

    Byzantine Period
    Incorporates fruit, placed arrangements in baskets, goblets, or low containers.
  • 325 BCE

    Roman Period

    Roman Period
    Less graceful designs, fragrant purposes.
  • 46 BCE

    Greek Period

    Greek Period
    Flowers for adornment, limited amount of flowers, triangular and symmetrical arrangements.
  • 28 BCE

    Egyptian Period

    Egyptian Period
    Simplistic, repetitious, and highly stylized. Use of primary colors.
  • Jamestown

    The first American colony is founded, Jamestown.
  • The Mayflower

    The Mayflower
    The Mayflower departed from Plymouth England with 102 pilgrims.
  • Early American Period

    Early American Period
  • The Great Depression