
  • 400

    China dicovers kites

    They got their idea from the religious flags and kites that they used during cermonies. This lead to the question, can humans figure out a way to fly like birds?
  • Period: 400 to

    Many centuries of Wonder

    We as humans have all dreamed about flying, espesaily in these centuries. There were myths and stories that people came up with. But, the action doesnt start for a few more years...
  • Joseph and James Montgolfier and the First Hot Air Balloon

    the two brothers, Joseph and James, were the invetors of the first hot air balloon. the device was similar to those we have today. They took many passangers to come aboard their balloons.
  • Period: to

    George Cayley

    he created the first gliders. there is no record of his first passenger on the gliders
  • Leonardo da Vinci- The Ornithopter

    Vinci was the first one to really dig deep into the study of flight. He made hundreds of drawings. The device he created proved man could fly and modern day helicopters are decended from this design.
  • Otto Lilienthal

    German engineer, studdied aerodynamics and worked on gliders. the Wright Brothers used his books and designs to help them along with thier designs. he was killed when he lost conrol of his glider and crashed intot he ground
  • Samuel P. Langley

    he was an astronomer that dreamed about flying, he created a model of the plane, after recieving money from the governent to build a full sixed aerodrome and failing, he gave up hi dream and moved on with his life
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    Oriville and Wilbur Wright

    They experimented a lot with gliders and eventually created the first airplane. They were the pinacle of flight, the ones to really get deep.