Angel by Michelangelo
For mankind, wings are a symbol of freedom and power. Angels, Demons and creatures are represented with wings -
Leonardo Design for a Flying Machine, 1505
Flight is imagined with moving wings Figure from http://www.drawingsofleonardo.org/ -
Montgolfier brothers ballon
Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier and François Laurent, marquis d'Arlandes, ascending in a Montgolfier balloon at the Château de la Muette, Paris, November 21, 1783 https://www.britannica.com/biography/Montgolfier-brothers/media/1404137/110557 -
Sir Cayley flied his glider, first glide flight recorded in history
Cayley established the modern configuration of an airplane as a fixed-wing flying machine with separate systems for lift, propulsion, and control as early as 1799 (see Silver Disc machine). In 1804 he flew the first successful glider model of which there is any record. His work culminated in 1853 with the completion of a full-scale glider that carried his reluctant coachman on the first manned glider flight on record. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Sir-George-Cayley -
Otto Lilienthal dies
Otto flyed with gliders and even had commercialised them. Source: https://www.dw.com/pt-br/1896-%C3%BAltimo-voo-do-inventor-otto-lilienthal/a-606368 -
The Zeppelin LZ 1 is considered as first successful experimental rigid airship
Picture of Zeppelin LZ 1 The Zeppelin LZ 1 is considered as first successful experimental rigid airship. At its first trial it carried five people, reached an altitude of 410 m (1300 ft) and flew a distance of 3.7 miles (5.95 km) in 17 minutes. But as one of the engines had failed the wind then forced an emergency landing. After repairs the ship flew two more times. Graf von Zeppelin had to dismantle the zeppelin and sell the tools and scrap and then liquidate the company. -
Santos-Dumont going around the Eiffel Tower with its No. 6
Santos-Dumont going around the Eiffel Tower with its No. 6 Dirigible on 19 October 1901. source: Museu Aeroespacial, Rio de Janeiro https://www.aiaa.org/SecondaryTwoColumn.aspx?id=15163 -
First flight of the Wright Flyer I, December 17, 1903
First flight of the Wright Flyer I, December 17, 1903, Orville piloting, Wilbur running at wingtip. -
Period: to
Grass strips up to 600m
Creation of Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
On 10 June 1905, Count Henri de la Vaulx, Vice President of the Aero Club of France, Major Moedebeck of the German Airship League and Fernand Jacobs, President of the Aero Club of Belgium, gave a presentation to the Olympic Congress of Brussels on their proposal for a "Fédération Aéronautique Internationale". .... https://www.fai.org/history -
First well documented sustained flight of a fixed-wing craft
The first sustained flight of a fixed-wing craft took place on 23 october 1906 in France. source -
Bleriot crosses English Channel with an airplane for the first time
First scheduled commercial air passenger flight
First flight of Deperdussin Monocoque, the first monocoque fuselage structure
Conceived by Louis Béchéreau and Frederick Koolhoven and sponsored by Belgian silk merchant and manufacturer Armand Deperdussin, the Deperdussin Monocoque introduced the stressed-skin shell structure to aircraft design. https://www.airspacemag.com/history-of-flight/airplanes-that-transformed-aviation-46502830/?page=2 -
Fokker Dr.I, Red Baron aircraft
In US, Scheduled airmail service began
Introduction of Junkers F13: first all metal
In Brazil, Varig operated this aircraft -
First non-stop transatlantic flight
London Croydon airport starts operations
Some of the significant historic events and achievements at London Croydon Airport include:-
birthplace of Air Traffic Control
innovation of "Mayday" international distress call
world's first integral airport terminal
world's first Air Traffic Control Tower
establishment of Britain's national airline, Imperial Airways
site of multiple world record- breaking flights
http://www.croydonairport.org.uk/The-Airport -
Douglas Aircraft Company founded
It was founded in 1921 by Donald Wills Douglas Sr. and later merged with McDonnell Aircraft in 1967 to form McDonnell Douglas, when it then operated as a division of McDonnell Douglas. McDonnell Douglas later merged with Boeing in 1997. -
Introdução do Dornier Do J
In US, Air Commerce Act
he Act created an Aeronautic Branch assigned to the United States Department of Commerce, and vested that entity with regulatory powers to ensure a degree of civil air safety. Among these powers were: testing and licensing pilots, issuing certificates to guarantee the airworthiness of aircraft, making and enforcing safety rules, certificating aircraft, establishing airways, operating and maintaining aids to air navigation, and investigating accidents and incidents in aviation -
Pan Am was founded
Flying boats were heaviest aircraft
Qantas Empire Airways Short Empire flying boats at Rose Bay in Sydney Harbour (c.1939) -
AA takes delivery of the first DC-3 ever produced
DC-3 made airlines a profitable business https://www.boeing.com/history/products/dc-3.page -
Pan Am starts transatlantic service
d initiate Trans Atlantic service with the Boeing 314 "Yankee Clipper" http://www.everythingpanam.com/ -
1st pressurized airliner
Boeing 307 Stratoliner, the first pressurized commercial airliner. Aeroflap -
Jet propulsion technology introduced: German Messerschmitt Me 262
Lockheed Constellation
First pressurized cabin Um Constellation L-749A da TWA em Heathrow, 1954, com um container sob a fuselagem. https://lockheedmartin.com/en-us/news/features/history/constellation.html -
Chicago Convention is signed
New and better radar systems emerged during the 1950s
One of these was a highly accurate monopulse tracking radar designated the AN/FPS-16, which was capable of an angular accuracy of about 0.1 milliradian (roughly 0.006 degree).
https://www.britannica.com/technology/radar/History-of-radar -
707 prototype takes off
First successfull jetliner
http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20141020-the-plane-that-changed-air-travel -
Heathrow in 1955: Several runways in different directions
Douglas DC-8 first flight
Period: to
Runway expansion to accomodate jets
B737 is introduced
By 1987, the 737 was the most ordered plane in commercial history. In January 1991, 2,887 737s were on order, and Models 737-300, -400 and -500 were in production.
https://www.boeing.com/history/products/737-classic.page -
Embraer Bandeirante first flight
747 first flight
Southwest foundation
LCC carrier -
A300 first flight
In 1972 the world’s first widebody twin-aisle commercial aircraft performed its maiden flight, the first steps towards changing the face of modern aviation.
https://www.airbus.com/company/history/aircraft-history/1970-1972/a300.html -
The GPS project was launched
Period: to
Concorde service
Concorde first scheduled passenger service
The Concorde made its first transatlantic crossing on September 26, 1973, and it inaugurated the world’s first scheduled supersonic passenger service on January 21, 1976—British Airways initially flying the aircraft from London to Bahrain and Air France flying it from Paris to Rio de Janeiro. Both airlines added regular service to Washington, D.C., in May 1976 and to New York City in November 1977.
https://www.britannica.com/technology/Concorde -
A320 first flight
A320 pioneers fly-by-wire in commercial aviation -
An-225 Mriya first flight
Worlds heaviest, biggest airplane. Just one acft in operation -
Alaska pionners internet ticket sales in US
Embraer unveils EMB 202 Ipanema alcohol powered airplane
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is created
EASA takes over JAA -
Period: to
A380 production
A380 first commercial flight
Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (Comac) is founded
787 enters service with primary composite structure
First scheduled service using biofuel was a KLM flight from Amsterdam to Paris
Solar Impulse performs the round-the-world tour without emissions
Amazon drone delivers cargo during a test
Uber Elevate White Paper
Fast-Forwarding to a Future of On-Demand Urban Air Transportation," was published on 2016 https://evtol.news/__media/PDFs/UberElevateWhitePaperOct2016.pdf -
Lawmakers pave the way for the return of supersonic flight
Blended wing body concept still on wait due to aiport compatibility and market issues
Airbus announces A380 production end
COVID strikes air transport traffic
An-225 destroyed
World’s largest plane destroyed in Ukraine by Russia -
EASA publishes Prototype Technical Design Specifications for Vertiports
Boom XB-1 performs taxi tests
This is a 1/3 scale demonstrator of supersonic transport aircraft. https://boomsupersonic.com/xb-1 -
Chinese aircraft C919 completes its first commercial flight