Five Inventions in Computer History

  • The Z1

    The Z1
    Invented by Konrad Zuse, the Z1, was the worlds first programmable computer. It was a mechanical calculator, that was binary electrically driven. This computer essentially read instructions from punched tape.

    The Electrical Numerical Integrator and Computer, was one of the first successful electrical computers. This was a project funded by the United States Government. This computer took the concept of Atanasoff's ABC, and further elaborated on it.

    The Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer, was a improvement of the ENIAC, and was invented by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. It became the first stored-program computer, and was able to operate over 1,000 per second.
  • Memory Device

    Memory Device
    Random Access Magnetic Core Store, invented by Jay Forrester, was the first memory device.This would be the start of what we know as RAM.
  • The Intergrated Cicuit

    The Intergrated Cicuit
    The Integrated Circuit or IC was created by Jack Kilby. This was a new and different way to put many transistors in one chip, instead of having each transistor individually wired.