Five Feet Apart book

  • Chapter 1

    Stella who is a girl with CF (cystic fibrosis) (timeskip) Stella has a youtube channel to spread awareness about cystic fibrosis she starts a live and a bunch of people start to join, Stella starts to talk about her daily schedule of the day while people are saying positive things to her and making her smile. I find this really nice of them considering she's been dealing with CF for quite a long time so seeing this would lighten up my day.
  • Chapter 2

    Will is another CF like Stella and (time skip) follows her into the NICU (where the babies are, also mind you that they are in a hospital) they both meet each other in a rather different way not like a friendly introduction. Also the rules for two CFer’s are “always stay 6 fix apart” because if 2 CFer’s touch they will likely die.
  • Chapter 3

    Poe is one of Stella’s best friends though he also has CF, he was talking to Stella through facetime (they both just woke up) showing off their breakfasts they got, talking about stuff, genuinely having a good time.
  • Chapter 4

    Will goes up to the hospital roof to get some fresh air because he doesn't get it much since he's always in the hospital and of course his lungs. When he's up there he has time to reflect on how many hospital roof's he's been at, then stella sees him through her window and decides to go up there to check on him.
  • Chapter 5

    Stella meets Will on the roof terrified as he might fall off because he was standing on the roof ledge. Will continues to keep saying his lungs are toast and he will die eventually anyway. Stella keeps arguing with him and then Will sticks his foot off the ledge and Stella says "WIll, no, stop!" then Will laughs and takes his foot off the edge and gets back down.
  • Chapter 6

    Will and Stella make a deal because Stella is having control issues and Will is driving her crazy because she knows he isn't doing his medications, so they agreed that Stella would help Will with his stuff then Will said he would draw her.
  • Chapter 7

    Stella goes into Will's room wearing a fully proof gown thing so she doesn't catch Will B.cepacia (it's a thing a CFER can have but it's way worse than just CF) then she organizes everything for him med carts, sheets, etc.
  • Chapter 8

    Will and Stella do there treatments together (over facetime) and then they both actually have a good time together even though it was Will mostly teasing Stella but they both were happy.
  • Chapter 9

    Will finally draws Stella(while she's sitting at the window looking out), and they get to know each other a little bit more this time.
  • Chapter 10

    Will learns about Stella's backstory with her sister when he asks her about the drawing in the background they were on facetime then she just says "it was my older sister, Abby" then Will goes on about how he would like to see more of her drawings but Stella just closes the call and left Will confused. Then Will tries to find out about Abby and finds out she is dead, so then he confronts Stella and asks her why she was hiding it but then she says she was on the who should have died not Abby
  • Chapter 11

    Poe comforts Stella (without touching her because hes a CFER) he says he didn't think Will meant to hurt her and Stella was crying thinking about how Abby died and she should've been the one to live. Poe says he wants to hug stella so bad, after they both leave Stella finds a note slipped under her door and it's a cartoon drawing from Will saying "Sorry".
  • Chapter 12

    Will and Stella finally make up but Stella tells Will she has to go into surgery because she skin around her G-tube is getting infected.
  • Chapter 13

    Will visits Stella in her surgery room and comforts her without making anyone know he was there (he was dressed in a gown thing) and sang a song to Stella and they both laughed because the song was so old and different but then Will said Stella will be fine and left leaving Stella who believed his words "you'll be fine"
  • Chapter 14

    After Will left the room he saw Barb (Stella, Will, and Poe's nurse) and Stella's parents arguing (they were divorced) But then Barb both snaps at them telling them they should be adults instead of friends. Then Will tries to sneak past Barb but catches him and gives him a big speech about how he can risk giving Stella B.Cepacia then he takes thought into it and thinks about what he could've done to ruin Stella's chanch.
  • Chapter 15

    Will, Stella, and Poe get into a fight about how they can't be together but Stella says she has to figure something out. After a couple of days Stella and Poe finally makeup but for Will, we'll see.
  • Chapter 16

    Stella makes a video about CF and how it's only six feet apart at all times and Stella is mad at that so she makes a big statement about how shes going to be the thief now and take one feet away from it "five feet apart" after Will see's her youtube video Stella is at his down holding a pool cue which is five feet apart and Will and Stella make a agreement and that is "five feet apart".
  • Chapter 17

    Will and Stella set a date and Stella gets ready with her clothes which she thinks is not the best wardrobe it will do but when Will saw her he didn't care about her looks and only for herself.
  • Chapter 18

    Will and Stella get to know each other more on this date which is really nice because it's good to get to know a person and for who they really are.
  • Chapter 19

    Will and Stella find themselves in a pickle when Barb is back from her break so they quickly rush back to there spots where Barb should suspect they would be and they made it both happy that there first date went well.
  • Chapter 20

    Stella holds a surprise birthday party for Will since he was turning 18 so she gathered Will's two friends, poe, and Stella's other two friends and they all surprised Will in the cafeteria (without Barb knowing) they all had good time with the food too.
  • Chapter 21

    Afterwards they all get caught by Barb and she is mad. So mad she said Will gets transferred in the morning, but the next couple hours Stella and Will fell asleep. Until the sound of a big alarm went off and it was code blue mean someone isn't breathing. And that was, Poe.
  • Chapter 22

    Poe died, Stella was furious and sad, Will felt bad, everything was going down hill, after Stella cooled down she wanted to go see her lights with Will which was probably a two mile walk and Will thought it was crazy, she insisted and convinced him.
  • Chapter 23

    Stella and Will go walking to the lights/town. In the snow having a good time though, holding hands (with gloves). They find a pond which is "rock solid" and go on it and have fun, they get off though because the ice was crackling.
  • Chapter 24

    Stella kept getting messages from her parents and Barb saying "NEW LUNGS!!" "STELLA WHERE ARE YOU?!" but Stella didn't care anymore, she tried to hide the messages from Will but he found out and said they have to go because this is important for her but Stella refused and before they knew it Stella had fallen onto the ice and into the water.
  • Chapter 25

    Stella falls into the cold water her life flashing before her eyes, she sees Abby and thinks it's a dream Abby tells her she has to keep living, enjoy life, Will grabs Stella from the water and has to do cpr and mouth to mouth on her.
  • Chapter 26

    Will finally stops, his throat an lungs are on fire from giving Stella mouth to mouth knowing the consequence he made.
  • Chapter 27

    Stella finds herself in the hospital but she looks around looking for Will her parents and the nurses trying to calm her down and she finally finds him across from her in another hospital bed saying "take the lungs" Stella didn't want to because she knew if she did she would be apart from Will, because they wouldn't let her see him again after the new lungs but Will said she needed to take them so she finally said "ok.."
  • Chapter 28

    Will waits for the news of Stella and after waiting Barb says "she made it" everyone was happy and cheering. She also didn't contact B.Cepacia which everyone was shocked to hear but just glad Stella was okay. Will decides to make a plan to surprise Stella before he leaves and everyone agrees.
  • Chapter 29

    Stella wakes up and finds herself in a hospital bed too weak to move around and a thing making her unable to speak. Her mom hands her a book and it says FIVE FEET APART it's Will's sketchbook and it's all drawings that Will made, the drawing he did when he drew Stella. She then saw him on the other side of the window next to her with all these lights sprung up, making the room glow. He says some things about how he will always love her and says he has to go to make her safe, she cries, he left
  • Chapter 30

    Will is at a airport ready to go to a new hospital (this is 8 months after)with his friends and finds himself finding an unexpected suprise.
  • Chapter 31

    Stella and Will meet there eyes together as Stella takes a couple steps towards him six feet in fact, though she takes one more step just enough to make it 'five feet apart'.