• 624 BCE

    Tales de mileto

    Tales de mileto
    Tales de mileto was consider the first cientific and important first mathematical physicist
  • 460 BCE

    First atomic theory

    Leucipo and Demócrito of Abdera where the first ones to sugest that if you divide matter continually it will reach a point the matter would not be divisible the atom
  • 385 BCE


    Aristotle is, without a doubt, the Greek who was most concerned with the search for knowledge in the 4th century BC. of C. Born in 385 B.C in Estagira, Aristotle created his own school in Athens, the Lyceum. The intellectual orientation of the Lyceum was predominantly scientific. Aristotle sought the explanation of phenomena based on the natural world
  • 325 BCE


    It was a great mathematician whos work help later to the investigation of Isac Newton, he is also knonw as the father of geometry
  • 287 BCE


    He center most of his work in estatic and hydrostatic
  • 85 BCE


    Ptolemy was a famous Egyptian astronomer . His greatest contribution was the geocentric model: Earth is the center of the solar system. His system prevailed for nearly 1400 years.
  • 1473

    Nicolas Copernico

    Nicolas Copernico
    Copernico made a new planetary vision insted of the geocentryczl proposed by ptolomeo in this vission the earth was spining arround the sun and not in the middle
  • 1564

    Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo improve the construcion of the telescope with this he could se the mountains in the moon and Jupiter's satellites he also prove with his discoverys that copernico was right in his work
  • Newton

    Isaac Newton famous for the universal law of gravitation, also enunciated the laws of motion. Among other contributions
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity in 1916 revolutionizing the vision of space, matter, energy and time