First World War

  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    The union of France, Great Britain and Russia.
  • Franco-German crisis for the control of Morocco.

    Franco-German crisis for the control of Morocco.
    An international conference was convened in Algeciras, in which Great Britain, Russia, Italy and Spain supported the French demands.
  • Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina

    Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina
    Aprovechando la debilidad del imperio otomano, Austria-Hungria se anexiona Bosnia-Herzegovina, antiguo territorio turco ambicionado también por Serbia. Bulgaria y Creta se independizan de los turcos.
  • Germany agrees that France establishes a protectorate over Morocco

    Germany agrees that France establishes a protectorate over Morocco
    Germany agrees that France establishes a protectorate over Morocco in exchange for certain territorial compensations: France hands over part of the French Congo. France and Spain (in the north) establish separate protectorates over Morocco.
  • I Balkan War

    I Balkan War
    An alliance between Serbia, Montene-gro, Bulgaria and Greece defeats the Turks, who practically lose all their European territories. Albania gets its independence.
  • II Balkan War

    II Balkan War
    The old allies face for the distribution of the territories taken from the Turks. Serbia, backed by Russia, considerably enlarges its territory and its influence in the Balkans, becoming a serious threat to the Austro-Hungarian empire.
  • Murder of Franz Ferdinand

    Murder of Franz Ferdinand
    The heir to the Austria-Hungary throne is killed by Serbia.
  • Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia

    Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia
  • Germany declared war or Russia.

    Germany declared war or Russia.
    Germany declares war on Russia, invades Belgium. The allies stop the German advance in Paris.
  • Union of Germany and Austria against Serbia

    Union of Germany and Austria against Serbia
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Started the national Russian revolution.
  • USA started their participation in the IWW

    USA started their participation in the IWW
  • Russia retired from the war

    Russia retired from the war
    Russia decided to withdraw from the war, because in her country she was suffering a civil war.
  • Armistice of Germany

    Armistice of Germany
    Germany signs the armistice on September 11.
  • Defeat of Austria

    Defeat of Austria
    The British and the Italians overthrow Austria in Vittorio Veneto.