Monday - Rapport building and Co- constructing essential Agreements
Morning Assembly
Greetings, introductions and icebreaker
Outdoor time and lunch time rules
Discussion and making poster:
• What is your goal from this class?
• What are the classroom rules that will help you achieve this goal?
• What is the rationale for having rules in the first place?
• Brainstorm rules and write them on a poster and hang it.
Discuss and share daily routine and producers with students -
Tuesday - Co-constructing consequences & Discussing Classroom expectations
Discuss consequences with the students (what they mean and why they're important) Be sure that students have a voice and that their ideas are included. make a chart
Discuss classroom expectations along with grading scale
1. Timetable
2. Course outline
3. Assessment for, AS and Of learnings
4. Homework policy
5. Assignments submission policy -
Period: to
First week of the school - Rules and Producers
Wednesday- Review Daily routine and procedures
Dispersing from assembly hall rules
Outdoor and lunch routine
End of the day routine
Discuss Washroom / body break rules.
Talk What to do during a fire drill or lockdown
Talk - technological resources rules
classroom stationery procedures
Teach about ‘Whole Body Listening’: Looks like, Sounds Like, Feels Like.
Review classroom rules: students take turns to recall rules.
Explain and show how to keep notebooks, duo-tangs organised in the classroom.
‘Early Finisher’ rules. -
Thursday- Roles and Responsibility
Assign duties: Line leader, paper/supply distributors, Clean-up crew, attendance helper, etc.
Explaining the class bulletin board and delegating the responsibilities
At the end of each class (i.e. replacing materials, picking up trash, stacking chairs if the last class of the day, etc.) and assign class jobs.
Explain that the student in charge of different jobs will be changed each week
Enter the class politely; put away your backpack, lunch, and coat; do before-school work silently -
Friday- Parental Notification of Rules and Consequences
Continue to monitor and encourage students to follow classroom rules and procedures.
Discuss make-up work & Explain about ‘While you were away’ folder.
Hand out two copies of contracts holding all rules and procedures and expectations to students to read and sign, each student keeps a copy
A letter/email will be sent to parents notifying them of rules & guidelines created by teachers & students on how to have a successful learning environment.
Introducing learner’s profile