
First Week of School Rules and Procedures For Middle School

By MinazM
  • Monday - Rapport building and Co- constructing essential Agreements

    Monday - Rapport building and Co- constructing essential Agreements
     Morning Assembly
     Greetings, introductions and icebreaker

     Outdoor time and lunch time rules
     Discussion and making poster:
    • What is your goal from this class?
    • What are the classroom rules that will help you achieve this goal?
    • What is the rationale for having rules in the first place?
    • Brainstorm rules and write them on a poster and hang it.
     Discuss and share daily routine and producers with students
  • Tuesday - Co-constructing consequences & Discussing Classroom expectations

    Tuesday - Co-constructing consequences & Discussing Classroom expectations
     Discuss consequences with the students (what they mean and why they're important) Be sure that students have a voice and that their ideas are included. make a chart
     Discuss classroom expectations along with grading scale
    1. Timetable
    2. Course outline
    3. Assessment for, AS and Of learnings
    4. Homework policy
    5. Assignments submission policy
  • Period: to

    First week of the school - Rules and Producers

  • Wednesday- Review Daily routine and procedures

    Wednesday-  Review Daily routine and procedures
     Dispersing from assembly hall rules
     Outdoor and lunch routine
     End of the day routine
     Discuss Washroom / body break rules.
    Talk What to do during a fire drill or lockdown
     Talk - technological resources rules
     classroom stationery procedures
     Teach about ‘Whole Body Listening’: Looks like, Sounds Like, Feels Like.
     Review classroom rules: students take turns to recall rules.
     Explain and show how to keep notebooks, duo-tangs organised in the classroom.
     ‘Early Finisher’ rules.
  • Thursday- Roles and Responsibility

    Thursday- Roles and Responsibility
     Assign duties: Line leader, paper/supply distributors, Clean-up crew, attendance helper, etc.
     Explaining the class bulletin board and delegating the responsibilities
     At the end of each class (i.e. replacing materials, picking up trash, stacking chairs if the last class of the day, etc.) and assign class jobs.
     Explain that the student in charge of different jobs will be changed each week
    Enter the class politely; put away your backpack, lunch, and coat; do before-school work silently
  • Friday- Parental Notification of Rules and Consequences

    Friday- Parental Notification of Rules and Consequences
     Continue to monitor and encourage students to follow classroom rules and procedures.
     Discuss make-up work & Explain about ‘While you were away’ folder.
     Hand out two copies of contracts holding all rules and procedures and expectations to students to read and sign, each student keeps a copy
    A letter/email will be sent to parents notifying them of rules & guidelines created by teachers & students on how to have a successful learning environment.
     Introducing learner’s profile