
first term phonics coures

  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound s

    recognize the letter sound s,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound s

    recognize the letter sound s,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound a

    recognize the letter sound a,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound a

    recognize the letter sound a, recognize vocabularies begin with the same letter sound and learn how to form the letter.
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound t

    recognize the letter sound t,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter.
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound t

    recognize the letter sound t,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound i

    recognize the letter sound i,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound i

    recognize the letter sound i,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound p

    recognize the letter sound p,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound p

    recognize the letter sound p,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound n

    recognize the letter sound n,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to

    introduce the letter sound n

    recognize the letter sound n,
    recognize vocabularies begin with the letter sound and
    learn how to form the letter
  • Period: to


    revise all the letter sounds had been taught and start blending with the high achievers
  • Period: to


    revise all the letter sound and start to bland with the high achievers