
First Six with Hitler in the Mix

  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    After a few years, the Nazi party finally got enough votes to be givin a fair chance in the political race. After Hitler and the Nazi's convinced people that they were just like any other political group, and that they could be controlled, the government appointed Hiler and the Nazi party chancellor. The Nazis and Hitler got so much power due to the Enabling act which basically allowed them to do whatever they wanted.
  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    Hitler called for a boycott for all Jewish buisnesses because he believed that the Jews were to blame for all of the world problems. It only lasted one day but there were soldiers who would stand infront of Jewish store and resist. This sent negitive thoughts throughout the world and sent fear to the German Jews.
  • Aryan Law

    Aryan Law
    The Aryan Law was passed which means that the non-Aryans (Jews) were to be expelled. This lasted for almost a year and the Jews were kept from their professions. For example, Jews who acted were not aloud to go to the theatre.
  • Berlin Book Burning

    Berlin Book Burning
    Berlin student decided to act against the un-German spirit so they took books from undesirable writer and put almost 70,000 tons of books into a bonfire. One-third of the books in the German libraries were burned because of it's un- German spirit.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    There were two laws and one of them was a protection law. Marriages between Jews and Germans or related blood people, sexual relations with Jews, Jews employing in households, and Jews displaying the German flay or colors were all forbidden. The next was called the Citizenship law. A citizen of the Riech had to agree to serve the people of Germany. Also, only thoughs fully citizen of the Riech was able to have full political rights.
  • Hitler Youth Law Passed

    Hitler Youth Law Passed
    A law was passed saying that all kids part of the German youth within the borders of the Reich has to be under Hitlers youth. Girls and young women had to join part of the Union of German Girls. They were trained warfare, and to always obey Hitler and hate the Jews.
  • Lots of Propoganda Was Used

    Lots of Propoganda Was Used
    There were many sets of propoganda against the Jews that were shared from Germans to the kids under Hitlers youth. The allowed them to grow up hateing the Jews. In 1938, over a million copies of a boared game called "Get the Jews Out!" were sold.
  • Law #174

    Law #174
    If Jews did not have a "reconizably Jewish" name, women would have to add "Sarah" and men would have to add "Israel" as middle names to those they had.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    This was the night when a Jew shot a German in self defence. The Germans used this excuss to bring even more hate among the jews. They named this night this way because of all of the broken glass that was on the streets. This glass was from the windows of Jew's properties.
  • Store Smash

    Store Smash
    On this night, store's glass was smashed, destroyed and looted all throughout Germany.
  • Jewish Star Requirement

    Jewish Star Requirement
    At this time, the Nazi's were passing many unfair laws against the Jews. This particular one stated that any Jew over the age of six had to wear the star of David sybol when in public.
  • Jews Trapped

    Jews Trapped
    At this date, the Jews were not allowed to leave their house without permission from German officers. They could not leave the country and they were trapped.