New deal

First New Deal

By aousley
  • Period: to

    First New Deal

    The First New Deal was Roosevelts first act as president. He created the First New Deal in hopes of fixing and rebuilding the economy after the banking crisis and preventing a future stock market crash.
  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    Roosevelt won the election of 1932 and became the 32nd president of the US. He wanted to relief, recover, and reform the US after the banking crisis.
  • Hundred Day March

    Hundred Day March
    Roosevelts mission to instate the First New Deal. He wanted to recover and rebuild the banking system after the crisis and prevent another from occurring.
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Emergency Banking Relief Act
    A bank holiday was called for congress to meet and discuss how to stop the panic. The created the Security Act which prevented fraud, Home Owners Loan Act to refinance mortgages and prevent foreclosure, and the Banking Act which made the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. This was called to help relief the country.
  • Agriculture Adjustment Act

    Agriculture Adjustment Act
    A recovery act that used crop control to raise prices and reduce overproduction, adjusted farm prices to make them more equal, and eliminated tax with government revenue to support it. The AAA hurt sharecroppers but it did help the country receive more food.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps Act

    Civilian Conservation Corps Act
    A relief act to help families affected by the banking crash. The act gave young men jobs, $30 dollars of monthly and $25 of that goes home to family, 3 meals a day, clothing, and a place to live. They also planted trees, built roads, and Red Rocks.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act

    Federal Emergency Relief Act
    Meant to relief citizens. $500 million was given to the people to feed the hungry, create jobs, and gives income to households monthly.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    National Industrial Recovery Act
    The NIRA is a relief act that recognized that there is an industrial emergency so they suspended anti-trust laws, authorized the president to create an agency to address the issue of industrial codes, and to reconstruct industrys into a national cartel.