P 5802 1984 2058

First Nations History

  • 1 CE


    The stories of creation by the First Nations People. There is no specific date for creation. Each creation story is different, but I think most of them are similar to Christianity. A higher being/entity created the earth and the people who inhabit it. I believe that all Creation stories provide some meaning/reason for being on the Earth.
  • Period: 1 CE to 1492


  • 1492

    First Contact

    First Contact
    The first recorded contact between Europeans and First Nations People. Reaction: "Everyone knows that Christopher Columbus was an asshole right?"
    -Sam Maday
    This quote basically sums up my reaction. While history classes normally teach that the discovering of America is a good thing, we know that Columbus was responsible for what would lead to numerous deaths. The term "Indian" comes from Columbus thinking he had landed in India, or the "West Indies"
  • Period: 1492 to

    Tribal Independence

    The First Nations tribes are independent from the colonies and they coexist. The colonies expanded their land through the idea of Manifest Destiny. The idea of Manifest Destiny with the settlers in the Colonies comes from the Discovery Doctrine released by the Vatican. Reaction: Sadly the period of Tribal Independence is what some would consider the best period for First Nations people. This period was filled with lots of small skirmishes and fights over land.
  • Period: to

    Agreement Between Equals

    First Nations Tribes and the newly formed United States of America have no formal agreement between each other. The idea of owning land is not something understood by Tribes and Colonies first start to expand with Manifest Destiny. Reaction: The idea that land cannot be owned really shows how, for a lack of better words, down to earth First Nations people where. They did not own the land, they used only what they needed.
  • Period: to

    Relocation of Indians

    1830: "Indian Removal Act" also known as the Trail of Tears. 1867: Dawes Act. The Federal breakup of Tribal Lands. 1871: Appropriation's Bill. Congress passed a Law saying there will be no more treaties with Tribes. They are no longer recognized as sovereign. Reaction: The fact that the Federal Government stole lands from the tribes of First Nations is appalling. This is the first time that I have been formally educated on this part of American History. I can see why it is not in curriculum.
  • Period: to

    Allotment of Assimilation

    The idea was to "Kill the Indian, Save the Man". The goal was to turn First Nations people into the model U.S. citizen. Boarding schools where created in order to conform and assimilate. Kids where taken from their families and lost all identity to where they came from. Reaction: This is very similar to what Nazi Germany did in World War II. Just short of committing actual genocide, the American Government tried to commit the cultural genocide of the First Nations people.
  • Lone Wolf v Hitchcock

    Lone Wolf v Hitchcock
    The Supreme Court made a decision on a matter of First Nations that should be dealt with by Congress. This reinforced the Plenary Power of Congress. Reaction: This precedent set by the Supreme Court gives them the power to decide the outcome of matters on First Nations Tribal Lands. This adds more problems with future court cases.
  • First Nations/American Citizens

    First Nations/American Citizens
    First Nations Tribal Members are granted American Citzenship
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    Indian Reorganization Act
    Aimed at decreasing federal control of American Indian affairs as well as increasing Indian self government/responsibility. Encouraged written constitutions between the Federal Government and First Nations Tribes. Reaction: The idea behind this was to try and right the wrongs from the Assimilation period. This is very important because tribes where once again recognized as sovereign nations.
  • Termination

    The Federal Government started to get rid of large number Tribes. This would go on until the 1970's. It's main goal was to dismantle the reservation system. The government wanted to transfer the natural resource wealth of the reservations to private non-Indian corporations. Reaction: The government continues to take land away from Tribes in order to grow in wealth. This time period in U.S. Politics was very shady and also includes the Korean and Vietnam Wars.
  • Public Law 280

    Public Law 280
    Public Law 280 enables the Federal and State Law Enforcement the right to takeover civil and criminal jurisdiction on Tribal Land. It gives non-tribal law more authority on tribal lands for major crimes. Reaction: Public Law 280 is another way for the government to try and control the way Tribal lives are lived.
  • Indian Civil Rights Act

    Indian Civil Rights Act
    The Indian Civil Rights Act 1968 was passed to give Tribal Members what the Bill of Rights grants all U.S. Citizens. At the time it did not apply to tribal members. Allows federal courts to intervene on tribal disputes and enforced certain civil rights on persons in tribal jurisdiction that the federal government can protect. Reaction: This is very important but the fact that it took so long to get is really surprising. This is something that finally says that First Nations people are equals.
  • Bryant v. Itasca

    Bryant v. Itasca
    This court case determines that State and Federal Governments do not have the right to tax First Nations people on tribal lands. This includes personal and business taxes. Reaction: This has led to the expansion of casinos being built and the ability for them to expand and be fancy. The fact that the government cannot tax casinos is a huge win for First Nations people, because that is money that they get to keep. I have won about $100 at Black Bear and only spent about $2.
  • US vs Sioux Nation Indian Tribes

    US vs Sioux Nation Indian Tribes
    This court case upheld Lone Wolf v Hitchcock. Reaction: This proves that First Nations people are still struggling and the fight is not over.