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First Governors of NSW =^-^=

  • Captain Arthur Phillip announced captain

    Captain Arthur Phillip was announced captain of the HMS Sirius.
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    Captain Arthur Phillip was the first governor of NSW. He came on the First Fleet and could speak 4 different languages. He also didn't like the idea of slavery.
  • Captain Arthur Phillip built a community

    In 1790, Captain Arthur Phillip went through a famine, but emerged successful and built a permanent community.
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    Captain John Hunter was the second governor of NSW. He never completed any studies, and was good at surgeon's work, but never attempted to become a doctor. In 1788, John Hunter led an expedition to explore the Parramatta River.
  • Captain John Hunter sent an account of the settler's grievances

    In 1798, Captain John Hunter sent a detailed account of the settler's grievances.
  • Captain John Hunter receives instructions not to trade near the corps

    In 1799, Paterson returned from his trip overseas, and arrived with strict orders to prevent any further trading by the corps.
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    Captain Philip encouraged experiments with vines, tobacco, cotton, hemp, and indigo. He also encouraged construction of barracks, wharves, bridges, houses, etc. King tried to control, but not always with success.
  • Captain Philip Gidley King sent James Grant off

    In 1801, Captain Philip Gidley King sent James Grant to complete the exploration of the Bass Strait and to survey the Western Port, then to examine Hunter's River.
  • Captain Philip Gidley King set up an establishment on the Derwent River

    In 1803, Captain Philip Gidley King sent his lieutenant John Bowen to establish a settlement on the Derwent River.
  • Captain Philip Gidley King set up an establishment at Port Dalrymple on the Tarmar

    In 1804, Captain Philip Gidley King sent Paterson to establish a settlement at Port Dalrymple on the Tarmar.
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    Captain William Bligh was the fourth governor of NSW. Most of the problems he went through were caused by the Hawkesbury floods. Bligh had a hot temper, and on some occasions, let his anger take over him.
  • Captain William Bligh ordered new port regulations

    on the 4th of October 1806, Captain William Bligh ordered new port regulations to tighten up the government control of ships, their cargoes, including spirits, and their crews, including some escaping convicts.
  • Captain William Bligh ordered all promissory notes should be drawn "payable in sterling money"

    On the 3rd of January 1807, Bligh ordered that all promissory notes should be drawn "payable in sterling money", a regulation which would prevent any repetition of a legal dispute in the preceding year between Macarthur and Thompson over the value of a note expressed in wheat.
  • Bligh re-issues the often-broken rule

    On the 14th of February 1807, Bligh re-orders the often-broken rule about illicit stills, and forbade under stringent penalties the bartering of spirits for grain, labour, food, or any other goods.
  • Macquarie named places

    Captain Lachlan Macquarie named Windsor, Richmond, Liverpool, Castlereagh, Pitt-town and Wilberforce.
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    Captain Lachlan Macquarie was the fifth governor of NSW. He encouraged the colony's first bank and gave many convicts freedom. Many things are named after him.
  • Captain Lachlan Macquarie gets lost

    On the 6th November 1810, Maquarie embarked on his first tour of the outlying districts, and gets lost in the bush for several hours in the Bankstown district.
  • Macquarie crossed places

    After he had crossed the Blue Mountains, Lachlan Macquarie selected the site of Bathurst on the 7th May 1815