First Exposure to traditional to new media

  • Radio

    I think this was the first time i was exposed to a media,it happened when i was 3 yrs. old
  • Television

    It’s my favorite fast time when i was 5 years old. Watching cartoons like spongebob squarepants,tom and jerry and so many more.
  • Newspaper

    My father used to buy a lot of newspaper when i was still a kid, after he read all of it i would read it too
  • Pencil and paper

    Pencil and paper
    I used this medium when i entered the grade school level, i was 6 years old that time
  • Typewriter

    My second cousin owned like this before, i was gobsmack when i saw this thing because you don’t need a printer to print what you type
  • Mobile phone

    Mobile phone
    A good friend of my mother let me use her phone for about 2 or 3 months. I was fascinated with this device because you can send messages to many people in just one sent
  • Computer

    The first computer i used was the “piso net”.Where you’ll insert 1 peso coin to have a 5 minutes time.
  • Laptop

    Technologies were getting better as years passed like this one, it is more handy unlike computer which is big and heavy.I used this gadget when i was in 8th grade
  • Advanced Technologies

    Advanced Technologies
    We are currently exposed in this new developed technologies like robots etc.