Period: to
PeaceGeeks since inception
Pilot #1: PeaceProjects with HarassMap communications campaign
Began working with HarassMap on logo, team building exercises, print campaigns, banner designs, etc. Did initial scoping of website redesign. -
PeaceGeeks Launch
PeaceGeeks launch held at W2 Media Cafe with peace art and peace tech exhibit. -
Center for Women in Governance (Uganda)
Began project in Sept 2011 with CEWIGO to rebrand, redesign their website, redesign their reports and create a broadcast animation about their work. Site launched in December 2011 -
PeaceGeeks Society Registered in BS
Pilot #1: Remote Internships (with Dalia Association)
Project with Dalia Association (West Bank)
Worked on contest to engage Palestinian youth in community building and development. -
PeaceGeeks International launched as a BC-registered charity
PeaceGeeks International launched as a BC-registered charity that funds projects aimed at upholding human rights enshrined by law. -
Pilot #2: Remote Internships (with Fashoda Youth Forum, South Sudan)
Berghof Grant received for Amani project
Berghod Grant received to build Amani platform. -
Contract work with Natural Capital Advisors
Working with Indonesian-based organizations to leverage technology for advancing human rights and accountability (sub-contract of Ford Foundation grant). Projects with iHub, Elsam to date. -
Began partnering with BCCiC on PeaceTalks
PeaceGeeks & the BC Council for International Cooperation began partnering on PeaceTalks with an initial agreement to host 6 talks together. -
Amani Beta 1.0 launched
The 1.0 version of our Amani platform launched and our first few partners began projects ProjectAmani -
First Amani project launched with AYPAD (Sierra Leone)
Africa Youth for Peace and Development website launched -
Young Women Entrepreneirs Kenya (Kenya) (2nd Amani deployment)
Young Women Entrepreneurs Kenya site launched -
Accepted Women & Children's Empowerment Network Africa (WACENA) as a new Amani Partner (Uganda)
Partner in Uganda -
Accepted Foundation for Women Affected by Conflict (FOWAC) as new Amani partner - Uganda
Accepted Community Empowment for Progress Organization (CEPO) as new partner - South Sudan
Accepted Fountain-Isoko as new Amani Partner (Burundi)
Accepted the Wome's NGO Scretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL) as an Amani Partner - Liberia
Accepted Rural Women Peace Link as Amani Partner - Kenya