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My own personal timeline!

  • First Birthday!

    First Birthday!
    On my birthday we went to the waterpark at WEM, after that my family and I went to my cousins house.
  • Started to like Minecraft!

    Started to like Minecraft!
    Minecraft is one of the most popular games you may play different types of games in Minecraft, including the hive(treasure wars) and others kinds of game. You can even play with friends!
  • Long drive!

    Long drive!
    This year, my family and I went on a long drive with my parents friends to Calgary and Banff. The mountains were beautiful!
  • Covid-19

    Covid is the worst thing ever. It stopped me from seeing my friends, my family, and for a vacation in the Philippines.
  • Seperated to my dad!

    FortMac is where my father works. It’s 5 hours away from Edmonton, and he returns every 20 days, and 10 days break before returning to FORTMAC.
  • Drawing!

    I’ve been drawing a lot lately and painting I love it!
  • Turned 12!

    Turned 12!
    Turning appears to be a fun experience, to be honest, I miss being a 9- year old those were the good old days.
  • Finished Elementary

    Finished Elementary
    Finishing elementary was quite sad, because I will my teachers, my classmates, and friends because I won’t be going in real life and it is because I’m in a different school now. But hopefully I can see them next year.
  • Started junior high!

    Started junior high!
    Wow, I can’t believe I’m in junior high already, time goes by so fast…but I like it too because I ge to learn new things & meet new classmates/teachers!
  • Meeting/seeing new classmates!

    Meeting/seeing new classmates!
    I miss my old school friends, but I’m to meet new schoolmates.
  • Breaking my finger!

    I was told to get something upstairs (our house). I was dancing while I walking up the stairs then I hit my hand and my fingers on the edge of the hand thing where you hold your hands, it cracked but my mom gave me ice. It took me 2-3 days to heal.