single-banking, budgeting, loans, credit card, insurance, savings and investing
Graduated high school and started college while having a part-time job. Have a bank account with checking and saving. 10 percent of the pay goes to the saving account automatically. In addition, have 1 credit card to build credit by paying auto insurance and phone bills on time in full. Also investing money on stock market to buy a house when graduate from college. At last, budgeting money so i have enough for bills, college, investment, food, etc -
Married-budgeting, banking, credit cards, loans, insurance, savings, investing
I got married and decided to take a loan and buy a house.I have separate bank account than my spouse. I still pay my college loan which helped me build my credit. I have a health and auto insurance. Health insurance is through my job. I still put 10 percent of my pay on savings, in case of emergency. I have also started putting money for retirement in bank as an investment. Also, I have a credit card through which I pay all the bills and loans to keep my credit score up. -
Raising Children-budgeting, banking, credit cards, loans, insurance, savings, and investing
I got a life insurance and have health and auto insurance as well. I still have separate bank account than my spouse and save 10 percent of my pay every month. i budget my money and spend money on necessary thing as i have more responsibilities now. I still have one credit card and I Am paying my house loan as well as other bills with it. As for investment I have been putting money away money for retirement,but I am also investing money on stock market, to be specific in Amazon. -
Senior Years-Budgeting, Banking, Credits card, Loans, Insurance, Savings, and Investing.
I have the same credit card and got medicare. I have a life insurance.I am done paying the Loan for my house. I still have different bank account than my spouse.I am living off from the investment that I made earlier in life, retirement. I am using the money from my saving to fulfill my needs. Also I am budgeting strictly so i won't run out of my savings.