Final Worldview Timeline

  • Period: 500 BCE to 500

    Classical Worldview

  • 1 CE

    Classical Worldview Art

    Classical Worldview Art
    I believe that the Parthenon best represents this worldview. I believe this because it shows the care and time that the Greeks and the Romans put into making things look nice to the human eye.
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Medieval Worldview

  • 1000

    Medieval Worldview Art

    Medieval Worldview Art
    I think that this painting best represents this worldview because it shows how the people of the Medieval time period valued religion. It shows how the people spent most of their time on religion.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Renaissance Worldview

  • 1550

    Renaissance Worldview Art

    Renaissance Worldview Art
    The David represents the Renaissance worldview best because it shows how they were kind of swinging back to the classical age. It shows how they valued the human body and still kind of tried to make the art look nice.
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Worldview

  • Enlightenment Worldview Art

    Enlightenment Worldview Art
    This painting of Benjamin Franklin thinking really best represents this worldview because it captivates the whole philosophy of the Enlightenment worldview. It shows how the Enlightenment thinkers valued logic and reasoning and to trust your head.
  • Period: to

    Romantic Worldview

  • Romantic Worldview Art

    Romantic Worldview Art
    The painting that best represents the Romantic worldview is Wanderer Above a Sea of Fog. I believe this because it shows how Romantics will fantasize and find places to think about whatever fancies them. Romantics also would follow their heart rather than their head.
  • Period: to

    Victorian Worldview

  • Victorian Worldview Art

    Victorian Worldview Art
    This painting really captures how Victorians felt about life. They were pessimists that really believed that the world was fallen and they recognized the harshness of life.
  • Period: to

    Modern Worldview

  • Modern Worldview Art

    Modern Worldview Art
    This piece of art shows how modern artists threw out the old rules about art to make room for the new.
  • Period: to

    Postmodern Worldview

  • Postmodern Worldview Art

    Postmodern Worldview Art
    This abstract piece shows how it's all about perception. Postmodernists believed that truth depends on who you're talking to.
  • Period: to

    Post-Postmodern Worldview

  • Post-Postmodern Worldview Art

    Post-Postmodern Worldview Art
    This art shows how we are on the edge of the digital revolution and how we are improving when it comes to robots and digital gadgets.