Final Timeline Project

  • California Gold Rush Begins

    California Gold Rush Begins
    James W. Marshall found gold at Sutter's Mill in California, beginning the California Gold Rush.
  • Reconstruction Era Begins

    Reconstruction Era begins and it is the time period between 1865-1877 following the Civil War.
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    15th Amendment Ratified
    The 15th amendment was ratified on this day.
  • Great Railroad Strike

    Great Railroad Strike
    The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 started on this day.
  • Progressive Era Begins

    Progressive Era Begins
    The Progressive Era period starts and lasts until 1920.
  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    World War I starts on this day.
  • Roaring 20s Begin

    Roaring 20s Begin
    The Roaring 20s filled with lots of new fashion styles and entertainments start.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    19th Amendment Ratified
    The 19th Amendment was ratified on this day.
  • The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression Begins
    The Stock Market Crash of October 29, 1929 fueled the Great Depression.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    World War II starts on this day when Germany invaded Poland.
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, causing the United States to declare war on Japan and thus entering World War II.
  • United States Bombs Japan

    United States Bombs Japan
    United States bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki causing Japan to surrender and ending World War II. This decision by the United States was heavily debated as it resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian lives taken.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case ruled that it was unconstitutional to establish separate public schools for white and black students.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott started as a result of Rosa Parks's arrested after refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • King's "I Have a Dream"

    King's "I Have a Dream"
    Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • Vietnam War Begins

    Vietnam War Begins
    Vietnam War Begins on this day.