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Final Timeline Project

  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    The Judiciary Act of 1789 was an act passed by Congress that was required by the Constituition which called for an organized federal court system. It set up a third branch of government that would eventualy be able to balance th epower of te other two branches.
  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    The Whiskey Rebellion was an uprising caused by the increased Whiskey that was the result of Alexander Hamilton's econimic plan. It was quickly suppressed by the new federal government. It showed the citizens the power of the new government.
  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    George Washoington's Farewell Adress was a speech written to the American people at the end of his second term. It told them to eschew political problems with other nations. This gave Americans a guideline to follow in foreign affairs.
  • Expansion and Reform

    Expansion and Reform
    The American System was a plan to unite the country that was thought of by Henry Clay. It called for lnternal improvements, supported the National Bank so Americans could have a National Currency, and wsanted to set iup a protective tarrif on foeign goods to make citizens buy American goods to boost the econmomy. this was a movement that was done out of Nationalism and is an example of the want americans had to see thier country prosper.
  • Expansion and Reform

    Expansion and Reform
    The Indian Removal Act was an act passed by President Andrew Jackson in order to aquire lands in the southern Unisted States he wanted to expand on that were occupied by Native Americans.This act was a cause of several decades of tensions betweeen Native Americans and United States citizens over land.
  • The American Civil War and Recoinstruction

    The American Civil War and Recoinstruction
    Sectionalism is the feeling of pride in one's area, namely either the North or South. Sectionalism was main Long term caus eof the Civil War and showed americans how tensions can arise from just two areas being dfferemt.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed inorder to oiutlaw the formation of a monopoly or trust. This was the first act that the government had passed to regulate business and gave the government power over business which challenge the idea of Laissez Faire.
  • Expansion and Reform

    Expansion and Reform
    Horace Mann took it upon himself to reform the way public education was conducted in the United States. He created the first Board of Education and his actions led to a more refined education system which we use today.
  • The American Civil War and Recoinstruction

    The American Civil War and Recoinstruction
    The Civil War was a war fought by The United States and Confederate States of America over the rightr the states in the US had. It was the bloodiest wat the US fought in History and gave Americans a view of how far people are willing to go in order to gain their rights.
  • The American Civil War and Recoinstruction

    The American Civil War and Recoinstruction
    Reconstruction was the time period following the Civil War when the government was trying to rebuild the union. There were two types ; Presidential where Licoln wanted to forgive the South and Congressional where congress wanted to punoish the South. this period showed how the governemt had conflicting ways thatg were both used to rebuild the country and bring peace.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    Social Darwinism is the idea that society is ruled by "Survival of the Fitest" which allowed businessmen to take control over everyday life due to their vast arsenal of resources and wealth. This brought to light how much power businessmen had during the Gilded Age and gave the government a reason to regulate business more.
  • The American Frontier

    The American Frontier
    The Battle of Little Big Horn was a battel fought by the Sioux Indians that were resisting being moved onto a reservation. The Sioux banded together and killed all the USsoldiers that were sent to move them forecfully . This showd the government how resilient the Sioux were to being pushed onto a preservation.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    The Knights of Labor was the first labor union in America that was led by Terrance Powderly. They were considered radical because they allowed unskilled workers as well as black to join their union. This union set a precedent that othe workers could use if they wanted to form a union and was the start of an era of workers' unions.
  • The American Frontier

    The American Frontier
    The Dawes Severalty Act was an Act passed by Congress that would put young Native Americans in speacial schools in order to assimilate them into American society. It showed how the government would go to great lenghts in order to have all of its Citizens apart of one Americanized culture.
  • Proressivism

    Hull House was a house built in Chicago that took in uneducated and poor immigrants and helped them develop a skill and learn English in order to survive in America. It was the first settlement house in history and was an example of how citizens can help other citizens succeed in order for the country to prosper.
  • The American Frontier

    The American Frontier
    The Wounded KNee Massacre was an event in which a mass of Siouix Indians were killed by US troops after the Sioux had developed the "Ghost Dance" which the US saw as a threat. This massacre made Americans uneasy because they felt there was a limit to man's inumanity to other men.
  • The Age of Imperialism

    The Age of Imperialism
    The Spanish-American War was a short war between America and Spain caused by the US wanting to protect its economic investments in Cuba, which was owned by Spain. The US won the war and Cuba was freed from Spanish control and the US also recieved Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines. The war resulted in the Roosevelt Corollary that said that Europeans were to not interfere in the Western Hemisphere and that the US would use military force to protect its investments.
  • The Age of Imperialism

    The Age of Imperialism
    The White Man's Burden was a poem published in 1899 that described that White Men were responsible for educating all the other races in the world, sparking the idea of Anglo-Saxon Superiority and increased Imperialism. This poem was also an added cause for decades of racial discrimination.
  • The Age of Imperialism

    The Age of Imperialism
    The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising of Chinese natives that were trying to expell all foreigners that were in China. It showed the world that the Chinese were not ready to have other nations influence in China.
  • Proressivism

    The Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire was a fire at a factory where several women had been trapped in the building and were killed. It showed the US how we needed better safety codes and started a movement of new safety guidelines and better work conditions.
  • Proressivism

    The 17th Amendment was passed in order to have the direct election of US Senators. This made it possible to eliminate a large amount of corruption and gave the people back the power to control who makes the laws.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    The Selective Service Act was passed so that the government could call men to be drafted into the military. This gave the military to pull anyone out to fight in the war and strengthened the governments control over the people's lives.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    The Treaty of Versailles marked the end of WWI. It was between the BIg Four (USA, France, Great Britian, and Italy) and was to decide the fater of Germany and the rest of Europe. They decided to make Germany pay for the war and make them take full blame for the war which cause resentment from Germany and made Germany want revenge, which was a main cause of WWII.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    The Sedition Act of 1927 allowed the government to supress the people's right to free speech whenever there was a clear and precent danger. It gave the government more control over the people's rights and enstiled distrust in the goverrnment among the population.
  • Roarin' 20s / Great Depression

    Roarin' 20s / Great Depression
    Charles Lindbergh was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean non-stop. His success sparked nationalism in the US and was a historic event worldwide.
  • Roarin' 20s / Great Depression

    Roarin' 20s / Great Depression
    The Jazz Singer was the first movie that had sound called a "talky". It forever changed the movie business and American society making movie watching a more popular past time in daily life,
  • Roarin' 20s / Great Depression

    Roarin' 20s / Great Depression
    Henry Ford was a businessman and dubbed by the public as a "Captain of Industry" because of his fair and unheard of treatment of his workers such as the $5 a day pay wage. His use of the assembly line revolutionalized the automobile industry and allowed more everyday citizens to own a car.
  • World War II and the Cold War

    World War II and the Cold War
    The Munich Pact was agreement between France, Great Britian and Germany that kept Germany from conquering more lands in exchange for the Sudetenland. This showed how desperate European countries were in order to stop Germany and how powerful Germany had become. It also started the policy of appeasement or giving in to a country's whims in order to keep them from doing something.
  • World War II and the Cold War

    World War II and the Cold War
    On December 7, 1941 Japanese forces bombed Pearl Harbor , Hawaii in a suprise attack. This event sparked anger across the US and pushed Congress into declaring war on Japan making the US join WWII.
  • World War II and the Cold War

    World War II and the Cold War
    The G.I. Bill was a program that was made to allowed WWII veterans the opportunity to take college classes as well as giving them low interest loans for houses. This increased the amount of skilled workers and educated citizens and continues to help soldiers readjust to life after coming home from war.
  • Recovery, Prosperity and Turmoil

    Recovery, Prosperity and Turmoil
    Brown v. Board of Education was a court case over segregation in schools in which the ruling was in favor of Brown and it oveturned the ruling in Plessy v. Fergusson. It was the first major victory of the Civil Rights Movement and gave a new rule that seperate but equal is not legal.
  • Recovery, Prosperity and Turmoil

    Recovery, Prosperity and Turmoil
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed in by President L. Johnson that prohibited discrimination in public accomidations, employemnt , and in social or educational programs that were federally funded. This put an end to De'Jure segregation and ushered in a new era with equal rights for all races.
  • Recovery, Prosperity and Turmoil

    Recovery, Prosperity and Turmoil
    The Environmental Protection Agency was made after the passing of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts in order to set regulations to protect the environment in the US. They still regulate the amount of pollution in the US and limit the amount of harm done to the environment.
  • The United States since the Vietnam War

    The United States since the Vietnam War
    The Persian Gulf War was caused by Saddam Hussein's want to take control of Kuwaits oil fields, so he sent troops into Kuwait. The US sent troops to push Iraqi forces out of Kuwait. It resulted in a long period of tension between the US and Iraq and made Saddam Hussein a great enemy of the US.
  • The United States since the Vietnam War

    The United States since the Vietnam War
    The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in order to eliminate descrimination against people with a physical and/or mental disability. This gave way to a society where disabled people can have equal opportunities like others.
  • The United States since the Vietnam War

    The United States since the Vietnam War
    The Patriot Act was passed after the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. It allowed the government to give law enforcement agencies the authority to eavesdrop on suspected terrorists. Some criticized it as a violation of the personal rights and gave the government more control over the citizens.