Face a Challenge
You are faceing a really bad break up, and you deprested. The only way that you can get over it is by giving it time. And just talking to other people -
Health goals
I just set a goal to run one mile a day, to achive this goal I will have to get up and just do it every single day -
A stressful event
Your grand dad just died, and you are very stressed so you know longer talk to anyone else. So you decied to hit up the gym to deal with all you problems. -
Friend drinks on the weekend
Im concered that you will start get strokes, and high blood pressure. You also raise the chances of getting cancer, you may also get a irrguler heart beat. -
significant loss
You wife got into a car accident and passed aways. At first he was so sad ans he did not know what to do. Then he started to blame himself for the accident -
history of health disease
you lower your risk of haveing diabetes, also helps with heart disease. Eating healthy would also help with cancer And when you eat healthy you will not be as fat. -
Family relative starts smoking again
Your relative could be more prone to diabetes, heart attacks, and high blood pressure. -
Takes keys
First I would tell my friend that its not worth your life, and so many people love you to waste your life. -
Home sick
To treat the flu I could take some medican, get some rest, and eat some soup. And next time to prevent the flu I could wash my hands more, eat healthy, and sleep more. -
Puberty begins
You grow pubic hair, you will also see a voice change along with acne. -
Dont have sex
Dont be in a area where you can no longer controll your self (alcohal)
Be smart with who your friends are