Final project

  • 543

    Gupta empire

    Start 319
    Northeastern india
    Developed Hinduism
  • 900


    Started 250
    Southern Mexico, Guatamala, northern Belize and western Honduras
    Developed the science of astronomy
  • 1100


    Started 300
    West African
    Invented ways to mine gold
  • 1185


    Started 794
    Blended their art and building with other countries
  • 1258

    Muslim empire

    Middle East, northern Africa, the Iberian peninsula, and parts of Asia into India
    Perfected the water wheel
    Rashidun Caliphate 632-661
    Umayyad Caliphate 661-750
    Abbasid Caliphate 750-1258
  • 1453

    Byzantine empire

    Italy, Greece, turkey, portions of North Africa and the Middle East
    Preservation of Greek and Roman civilization during the Middle
    Started 330
  • 1521


    Started 1300
    Central and southern Mexico
    Building of their island city,Tenochtitlan
  • 1533


    Start 1200
    From the northern border of modern Ecuador to the Maule River in central Chile
    Built roads across the length of and width of their empire
  • Songhai

    Started 1464
    A large part of western Sudan
    Powerful trading state salt and gold
  • Mali

    Started 1235
    From the Atlantic coast to central parts of the Sahara desert (west African)
    The first accurate astronomical calendar
  • Imperial china

    Started 900
    Four great inventions: paper making, gunpowder, the compass and printing
  • Holy roman empire

    Western Europe
    They had the sewer system
    Started 962